He Waka Eke Noa - we are all in this canoe together
Cartoon depicts a waka labelled 'He Waka Eke Noa' paddled by a crew some of whom are bailing water while two are drilling holes in the hull and holding a sign 'Help we are sinking' refers to a five-year programme to empower farmers and growers to measure, manage and reduce on-farm emissions in New Zealand
Author: Slane Cartoons
All Rights Reserved. Licensed for single publication in Farmer's Weekly
Cartoon size: 4.0 Mpixels (11.3 MB uncompressed) - 2362x1675 pixels (7.9x5.6 in / 20x14.2 cm at 300 ppi)
Cartoon keywords: agriculture, canoe, cartoon, change, climate, conservatives, deniers, emissions, farmer, farming, gases, greenhouse, groundswell, He Waka Eke Noa, New Zealand, protest, protesters