Remote Working Perils
virus,working,remotely,home,computer,viruses,security,threats,Beware,security,perils,working,phishing,attacks,infosec,covid19,pandemic,cartoon,.."Ha - can't get me nasty virus - I'm working remotely" thinks the man working from home over-run by computer viruses and other security threats - 'Beware the security perils of remote working'
Cartoon ID: Remoteworking-Perils-slane
Author: Slane Cartoons Limited
All Rights Reserved Slane Cartoons Limited
File state: Proof
Cartoon size: 9.0 Mpixels (25.8 MB uncompressed) - 3543x2550 pixels (11.8x8.5 in / 30x21.6 cm at 300 ppi)
Cartoon keywords: anonymous, attacks, Beware, bugbounty, cartoon, cloud, cloudsecurity, code, coding, computer, computerengineering, computerscience, covid19, cyber, cyberattack, cyberattacks, cybercrime, cybernews, cybersec, cybersecurity, cybersecurityawareness, databreach, dataprotection, datasecurity, encryption, exploit, firewall, hack, hacked, hacker, hackers, hackerspace, hacking, home, informationsecurity, informationtechnology, infosec, infosecurity, internet, iot, it, itsecurity, kalilinux, linux, machinelearning, malware, networking, networksecurity, pandemic, pentesting, perils, phishing, privacy, programmer, programming, ransomware, remotely, security, sysadmin, tech, technology, threats, training, virus, viruses, working