John key's Brain Fade
Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key with a large nose as mini engineers unplug cables from his brain. One says "Orders from upstairs - cut I.T. costs" 26 October 2012.
Context: John Key sat through a briefing on the Kim Dotcom case just weeks after the high-profile raid but says he completely forgot about it - a change to the story he gave Parliament days previously.
The admission from the Prime Minister came after he blamed "brain fade" at the Government Communications Security Bureau for illegal spying on Mr Dotcom.
Author: Christopher Slane
All Rights Reserved
Cartoon size: 3.9 Mpixels (11.3 MB uncompressed) - 2362x1668 pixels (7.9x5.6 in / 20x14.1 cm at 300 ppi)
Published in: Political Cartoons 2012a