Mega Political Black Hole
Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key sweating on his 'Planet Key' golf course as he tries to escape the 'mega political black hole' which suggests a world out of control. In the centre of the 'mega political black hole' is the grinning face of Kim Dotcom and around him spin the heads of a policeman' a spy representing the 'GCSB' and possibly an American representing the law. Context: Refers to the Dotcom affair. The United States is trying to extradite Kim Dotcom, who has New Zealand residency, for copyright infringement. He was arrested illegally by the police and has since been illegally spied upon by the GCSB (New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau).
Author: Christopher Slane
All Rights Reserved
Cartoon size: 7.9 Mpixels (22.5 MB uncompressed) - 3255x2420 pixels (10.9x8.1 in / 27.6x20.5 cm at 300 ppi)
Published in: Political Cartoons 2012a