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Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter

Cartoon depicts a sign outside an office with a grim reaper and the message 'Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter' a man says to a woman about to enter Oh don't worry that's just something the government makes us put up"

Covid19 Death Chart - NZ
Covid19 Death Chart - NZ

Cartoon depicts a chart headed 'Cumulative Covid-19 deaths per million people' compares New Zealand with USA UK France Sweden & Ireland with NZ at the lowest level - refers to commission of inquiry into how the pandemic was handled and how it could be improved in future two scientist examine with a magnifying glass "Study this closely to see how we can do better"

Whistle Blower Pea Removers
Whistle Blower Pea Removers

Cartoon shows a giant whistle with a corpoarate manager directing men to remove the pea so that no one can blow it and report corporate malfeasance

Widget Surveillance
Widget Surveillance

'How many extra widgets must we produce to pay for a surveillance system to check we're making enough widgets? asks a worker.

Valentines Day Enticements
Valentines Day Enticements

Cartoon depicts a woman in an office enticed by the allure of a Valentine's Day online prize gift card.

Wifi Witch
Wifi Witch

Cartoon - Witch is arrested by Police for harvesting passwords of Hansel & Gretel.

Happy Navratri
Happy Navratri

Cartoon depicts cyber security for a Happy Navratri online safety measures

Flotation Lawyer
Flotation Lawyer

Cartoon depicts a lawyer wearing a flotation device around his neck

Your Mother Will Feed You Now
Your Mother Will Feed You Now

Cartoon depicts a baby crawling to an office with a assisatnt saying "your mother will feed you now" an executive has opened her blouse and is offering her breast - refers to an article about issues of being a breast feeding mother at work.

Herding Cats Easier Than Lawyers
Herding Cats Easier Than Lawyers

Cartoon depicts a cowboy attempting to drive a group of unruly cats "I took up herding cats after trying to get lawyers into line"

Fishy Payment
Fishy Payment

Cartoon depicts a lawyer seated at a table contemplating a pile of smelly money opposite sits a sailor There's something fishy about your payment"

Cone of Confidentiality
Cone of Confidentiality

Cartoon depicts a glass cone of silence over a lawyer and a client "The ensures complete client confidentiality"

Cone of Confidentiality
Cone of Confidentiality

Cartoon depicts a glass cone of silence over a lawyer and a client "The ensures complete client confidentiality"

You Have To Name The Father
You Have To Name The Father

Cartoon depicts the nativity scene with an official demanding from Mary and Joseph "I'm from Social Welfare - You'll have to name the father"


Cartoon depicts a state computer intelligence operative saying "We've managed to crack the code these computer geeks are using but it is still gibberish"

Please Sir Can I Have More Privacy?
Please Sir Can I Have More Privacy?

Cartoon depicts a school pupil asking a teacher "Please Sir can I have some more Privacy?" while CCTV cameras watch from the ceiling.

It's Your Privacy, Don't Ignore it
It's Your Privacy, Don't Ignore it

Cartoon depicts two frames 1- a man surprised in the shower -'Would you ignore your privacy here? - 2 -shows the same man working in his office - 'So why ignore it here?' '

The people have a right to know (Norsk)
The people have a right to know (Norsk)

Cartoon depicts a woman emerging from her shower to find a host of voyeurs peering in her bathroom window "Folket har rett til å vite, frue" ( The people have a right to know )

Shower In The Public Interest
Shower In The Public Interest

Cartoon depicts a woman emerging from her shower to find a host of voyeurs peering in her bathroom window "We're here purely in the public interest"

Happy Feet Ditches Tracker Regains Privacy
Happy Feet Ditches Tracker Regains Privacy

Cartoon depicts a penguin standing on an ice flow casting a tracker device into the sea 'Happy Feet Ditches Tracker Regains His Privacy' refers to story of a rescued emperor penguin's satellite transmitter stopped sending a signal a week after he was released into the Southern Ocean.

A Man Staring With Binoculars
A Man Staring With Binoculars

Cartoon depicts a man looking out the window of his house through binoculars saying to his wife "Good grief the man next door iis staring at me through high powered binoculars"

Digital Shadow
Digital Shadow

Cartoon depicts a man caught in a spotlight revealing his digital shadow

Credit Agency Profile
Credit Agency Profile

Cartoon depicts the office of a Credit Agency Pwhere a myopic clerk announces to a woman of colour "Don't worry we have comprehensive picture of you - a 55 year old caucasion male midget bankrupted 18 times convicted of fraud 35 times with a sailor's tattoo- is there anything I have left out?"

Outsource All-knowing Function
Outsource All-knowing Function

cartoon depicts an AGM in heaven with God stating "I have decided to contract the all-seeing function out to Google"

A Prying Mantis
A Prying Mantis

Cartoon depicts a bug on a branch being questioned by another "what's your name? Where do you live? Are you married?" caption - 'A Prying Mantis'