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Santa & Friends On The Beach
Santa & Friends On The Beach

Illustration portrays Santa and reindeer relaxing on a summer beach below a pohutukawa tree.

Santa at The Beach Painting Movie
Santa at The Beach Painting Movie

Illustration portrays Santa and reindeer relaxing on a summer beach below a pohutukawa tree.

Fast Food For Lions
Fast Food For Lions

Cartoon depicts two lions chasing a cave man over grassland "Fast food is good for you because it raises your metabolism"

Illustration portrays Santa and reindeer relaxing on a summer beach below a pohutukawa tree.
Santa & Friends On The Beach

Illustration portrays Santa and reindeer relaxing on a summer beach below a pohutukawa tree.

Gareth Morgan
Gareth Morgan

Cartoon caricature of Gareth Morgan founder as a sailor waving semaphore flags of the TOP The Opportunities Party of New Zealand

Helen Clark @ Podium
Helen Clark @ Podium
The Skinflintstones
The Skinflintstones

Cartoon depicts a parody scene of the Flintstones tv series with governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Adrian Orr (Bam-Bam) beating the 'NZ economy' (Dino) down with a large club 'Reserve Bank' in an effort to quell inflation & engineer a recession while PM Jacinda Ardern (Wilma) and finance minister Grant Robertson (Fred) look on aghast.

Le dessin animé représente un homme retirant un rocher clé précipitant un glissement de terrain - Cartoon depicts a man pulli...
Le dessin animé représente un homme retirant un rocher clé précipitant un glissement de terrain - Cartoon depicts a man pulling away a key rock preciptating a landslide

en française

"Est-ce qu'on a vraiment besoin de ça?"

Prix de l'action

Mega Law Firm Partners Meeting
Mega Law Firm Partners Meeting

Cartoon depicts a massively long table disapperaing into the distance "Welcome to the 43rd MegaLaw partner's meeting - it's so important to keep in contact with one another I feel" announces a senior partner.

Longer Version for Lawyers
Longer Version for Lawyers

"We made a much longer version so lawyers could understand it" says one lawyer to another while holding a long scroll of legalese.

Judge Perfect Icons
Judge Perfect Icons

Cartoon depicts software called Judge Perfect featuring icons 'eye-witness evidence' - shows a blind man - 'confessions' shows a police arm with a baton - 'Prosecution case' shows a bird - 'defendant's evidence' shows pinocchio with a long nose - 'Defence case' shows a rubbish bin - 'Editing' shows a coin flip - 'Sentencing' shows a gallows - 'Hair Appointments shows a judge's wig.

Burglars Sorry For Lawyer
Burglars Sorry For Lawyer

Cartoon depicts two burglars leaving a house at night one says "I'm only doing this job because I feel sorry for my legal aid lawyer"

Wind Blows Papers Away
Wind Blows Papers Away

Cartoon depicts a man asleep on the deck of a beach house in summer while the wind blows his papers up into the air and away.

Legal Aid Beggar
Legal Aid Beggar

Cartoon depicts a beggar on footpath holding a can labelled 'Legal Aid'

2030 - What Did You Do In The Great Covid Pandemic?
2030 - What Did You Do In The Great Covid Pandemic?

Cartoon depicts a granfather sitting in his recliner chair with a grand-daughter sitting on his kee asking "So pops what did you do in the great covid pandemic?" he answers "I denied its existence -refused to wear a mask - attended mass-spreader events - harassed doctors - peddled quack cures - tied up scarce health resources - complained about inconvenience - yep my medal should be arriving any day" Title - '2030'

Seymour Rocket
Seymour Rocket

Cartoon depicts

Repair Shop
Repair Shop

Cartoon shows a auto garage in which Jacinda Ardern repairing a large damaged car labelled 'NZ' (New Zealand). Refers to the legacy of structural deficit faced by Jacinda Ardern’s governments.
"The 2017-20 government was more a repair shop than an innovative enterprise of deep reform. It focused on plugging the $11.7 billion hole left by National in 2017 in health services, education, public housing and welfare benefits and "child poverty reduction" – and in the buildings and other infrastructure those services need.” - Colin James

The Covid Escape Room
The Covid Escape Room

Cartoon depicts Covid Escape Room with NZ PM Jacinda Ardern and Finance Minister Grant Robertson being told "OK team you get one year to solve the puzzles and get out before the water floods the room" as they contemplate doors labelled 'Better Health System' 'Open Borders Death & Hospital Collapse' 'More Lockdowns' '>90% vaccinated' 'New MIQ Facilities' 'Quick Saliva Tests' and water flows labelled 'Climate Change'

Cartoon depicts
Cartoon depicts
Boomers Are Back 2050
Boomers Are Back 2050

Cartoon depicts two frames 'Today' features a boardroom CEO saying "Acknowledge climate change? Ha -over our dead bodies!" as his fellow exucutives laugh -'2050' shows a graveyard eroded by storm waters bodies floating away "Oh no floods have uncovered the boomers again"

Jacinda Ardern Ballooning
Jacinda Ardern Ballooning

Cartoon depicts Jacinda Ardern ballooning polling at 58% approval

Greens White Water Rafting
Greens White Water Rafting

Cartoon depicts Greens Party MPs James Shaw & Marama Davidson white water rafting

Maori Party Mountaineering
Maori Party Mountaineering

Cartoon depicts Maori Party MPs Rawiri Waititi & Debbie Ngarewa-Packer mountaineering

Windows 1900 Colour
Windows 1900 Colour

Cartoon shows man selling old window frames in a demolition yard with a sign labelled 'Just in - Windows 1900'