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Jacinda Ardern Ballooning
Jacinda Ardern Ballooning

Cartoon depicts Jacinda Ardern ballooning polling at 58% approval

Greens White Water Rafting
Greens White Water Rafting

Cartoon depicts Greens Party MPs James Shaw & Marama Davidson white water rafting

Maori Party Mountaineering
Maori Party Mountaineering

Cartoon depicts Maori Party MPs Rawiri Waititi & Debbie Ngarewa-Packer mountaineering

Windows 1900 Colour
Windows 1900 Colour

Cartoon shows man selling old window frames in a demolition yard with a sign labelled 'Just in - Windows 1900'

David Seymour Base Jumper
David Seymour Base Jumper

Cartoon depicts Act Party leader David Seymour as a base jumper

Mass Consumerism & Waste Machine
Mass Consumerism & Waste Machine

Cartoon shows a nervous businessman as a female repair worker takes out a large spanner from a 'De-construction kit' box as they both contemplate a dirty machine spewing polluted fluids and gases ou labelled 'Mass consumerism & waste'

Must Show Everyone How Bad My Enemies Are
Must Show Everyone How Bad My Enemies Are

Man struggling to carry heavy buckets of slime labelled 'Vile' and 'Views' is saying "Must Show Everyone How Bad My Enemies Are" towards a fountain of slime with a Twitter logo.

Carry, cartoon, enemies, Water,hate,sharing,denounce repulsive,views,amplify,sodont ,clickbait,hatesharing ,shitposting ,talkbackhosts ,linkbait,likebait,provocation ,carrywaterforyourenemies ,amplifying ,arseholes ,twitter ,pile-on,oxygen,amplification,amplification

Chucking Out
Chucking Out

Cartoon shows a man labelled 'NZ' carrying a larger pile of broken appliances to a waste heap saying to a woman carrying a small rubbish basket "We're chucking out way above our weight"

Helen Clark Violinist
Helen Clark Violinist

Cartoon depicts helen Clark playing discordant violin to an audience consiting of Thompson Ardern & Faaafoi

Shane Jones on the Rack
Shane Jones on the Rack

"Stop - this is torture!" claims a politician tied to a rack as he is educated about climate change science and a waiter from Bellamy's restaurant reminding him of a forestry scandal.

End is Nigh
End is Nigh

Cartoon depicts a street prophet of doom with a placard 'The End Is Nigh' asking "Hey - where did everyone go?"

Recession Covid 19 Waves
Recession Covid 19 Waves


NZ Voting 2020
NZ Voting 2020

Cartoon shows two New Zealanders leaving a polling place and one says "We went early we went hard we went left and then we went home.”

polling,NZpol,New Zealand,voting,Labour,Greens,democratic,socialist,socialism,landslide,election,

Trump Burial Ground
Trump Burial Ground

Cartoon shows President Trump giving a thumbs up sign to a mass burial of 210K plus US Covid Deaths white coffins saying "Great - you haven't let this virus dominate your lives"


A Rising Tide Raises All Bloated Moneybags
A Rising Tide Raises All Bloated Moneybags

Cartoon shows super yachts labelled 'Super Profitable Kiwi Companies' and 'Bonuses 4 CEOs' all partying and floating on a rising sea of government money labelled 'Covid Subsidy' while small businesses struggle in life saver rings. 'A rising tide raises all bloated moneybags'

Cartoon,yachts,Profitable,Kiwi Companies,Bonuses,CEOs,partying,floating,sea,government,Covid,Subsidy,SME,.

Funding Fireworks
Funding Fireworks


Ordering For Christmas
Ordering For Christmas


Covid Horde
Covid Horde

Cartoon shows rich merchant pleading with royalty on castle ramparts observing a bloodthirsty army surrounding them "Sire we can't keep the gates closed forever - think of the passing horde trade we are missing out on".


Herd Immunity
Herd Immunity

Cartoon shows a small herd of fearful wildebeast on a savananah encirlcled by lions and one says "Let's open up to big cats - I'm sure we will reach herd immunity eventually"

GOP Hangover
GOP Hangover


Quarantine Lounge
Quarantine Lounge


Covid Subsidy Beggar
Covid Subsidy Beggar


Climate Gambler
Climate Gambler

"Everything on this one" says a middle aged pale male denialist as he pushes all his chips on to the square marked 'best case scenario' - "no more bets" says the figure of death labelled 'climate change' - while a blond woman holds the arm of the big spender.

Four Horsemen Policy
Four Horsemen Policy

Cartoon,horsemen,apocalypse,death,disease,pestilence,conquest,famine,plague,policy,direction,right,wing,apocalyptic,Revelation,bible,politicians,politics,peasants,reform,Rogernomics,.."You have to admit - there's no problem defining their policy direction" comments one peasant to another as four horsemen of the apocalypse sweep humanity into the maws of death.

Pacific Auction
Pacific Auction

Unnamed pacific island leader holds an aution - " What am I bid for influence over these beautiful stragetic pacific islands?' Leaders of New Zealand Australia China bid while Trmp looks surprised. 2018