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Christmas Dinner Summons
Christmas Dinner Summons

Cartoon depicts a couple on their house door step who have been delivered a summons to christmas dinner.

Divers Irritated By Progressive Pedestrians
Divers Irritated By Progressive Pedestrians

Cartoon depicts a line of motorists in stationary cars stuck in traffic irritated by a variety of pedestrians passing them including cyclists skaters scooters skaters EV mobility vehicle

Frog Worry About Humans
Frog Worry About Humans

Cartoon depicts two frogs in a pond on lily pads one says - "When humans start dying that's when I'm going to worry about the environment"

Amphibian Future
Amphibian Future

A line of amphibian cars drives off the road into the sea as one driver says to a passenger "Funny to recall just a few years ago no one was driving these"

Privacy Is Precious Islands
Privacy Is Precious Islands

Cartoon depicts a archepeligo of islands each with a person relaxing in the shade enjoying their privacy - 'Privacy is Precious'


Cartoon depicts jittery daleks followed by a dalek-espresso machine

Game of Thrones Reality
Game of Thrones Reality



Woman uses a caulk gun to fill the bum crack of a handyman.

Elitist Evolution
Elitist Evolution

Cartoon depicts two creatures a tetrapod evolves by placing one foot out of the primeval sludge on to dry land while a fish relative sneers "Elitist!"

Gender Pay Equity Solution
Gender Pay Equity Solution

Cartoon shows boss behind a bid desk announcing to female assistant "I've solved the gender-pay gap - lower. male rates to female levels"

Taxes Low Alt Version
Taxes Low Alt Version

Cartoon depicts a huge pile of large rocks balanced precariously on top of each other in the style of Road Runner cartoons each labelled 'Pandemic' '5 million kiwis' 'Low wage overseas workforce' 'Low Govt debt' all resting on top of a overloaded 'Hospitals' with queues of people attempting to gain admission to overstrained Emergency Wards while Leader of the National Party Christopher Luxon overlooking the scene proclaims "That's how you keep taxes low"

Unfair To Business
Unfair To Business

Cartoon depicts a shopping mall with escalators carrying middle classes down an 'inequality' escalator while the wealthy are being carried higher via the 'quantitative easing' escalator - one woman says "The government is so unfair to business"

Inflation Planet
Inflation Planet

Cartoon depicts planet earth covered with rising dollar signs with someone in New Zealand asks "Why hasn't the government fixed inflation yet?"

National Party Meerkats
National Party Meerkats

"It's all a big white wash and the leader of their party should resign immediately" announces leader of the opposition Simon Bridges about the government while overlooking his own party scandals - accompanied by a mob of meerkats representing his own party members who photobomb any video interview with their leader.

Lioness King
Lioness King

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern holds baby Neve up in the manner of the Lion King movie - "Behold the great media circuit of life".

More Wellbeing
More Wellbeing

"Please sir Can I have some wellbeing?" asks a waif standing on a street corner next to a cardboard box marked 'NZ' while holding out a begging plate towards New Zealand's Minister of Finance Grant Robertson...wellbeing,economy,NZLabour,poverty,welfare,mental health,social deficit,investment,kindness,NZpol,budget,

Lone Wolf Terrorists
Lone Wolf Terrorists

Cartoon shows a circle of wolves on a moonlit night all sniffing each others' bottoms - referencing the shared philosophies of right-wing terror attacks.

SUV Polluter Parking
SUV Polluter Parking

"A polluter tax - Damn - I only bought this expensive SUV so I could park on the berm and avoid a parking fine" says the driver of an large utility ute as a council parking officer glides past on an e-scooter.

Proper Regulation ANZ
Proper Regulation ANZ

Proper Regulation - That's it -we're outta here - shooting through right now-so long -hooroo ya gonna miss us - er can you help me with this bag?" announces the ANZ man sweatily attempting to drag a huge bag marked $2bn profit away while an official from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand looks on.

Kiwibuild Promise
Kiwibuild Promise

“The builders just told me they'll all be finished by Christmas" announces housing minister Phil Twyford to Jacinda Ardern infront of a sign labelled 'Kiwibuild' while a lone inactive bulldozer sits in the middle of a vast area of undeveloped land.

Kiwibuild Titanic
Kiwibuild Titanic

Cartoon shows Housing Minister Megan Woods at the bottom of the ocean badly patching up a sunken wreck named 'Kiwibuild' and pronouncing "Rest Done".

Sea Monster
Sea Monster

"It's entirely legal" states one National Party fisherman to a second while believing they caught a good fish instead it is actually the tip of a tongue belonging to a giant sea serpent labelled 'Foreign Political Influence'.

Labour Bus
Labour Bus

"It's stuck on lane detection mode - and won't let me cross to either side" says Labour leader and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as her bus labelled 'Labour' drives down the middle of the road - Whanganui sign at side indicates the location of the party conference.
