Maui Tricks Taranga
Illustration depicts Maui following his mother to the entrance of the underworld.
Page 13 from Illustration depicts Maui
From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.
Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.
48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996
9 781869 620066
1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.
Author: Chris Slane
File state: Final