Data Breach Cartoons
Cartoons by Chris Slane about data breaches, data leaks, disclosures and data spills, relating to intentional or unintentional releases of confidential information.
"I only told a few friends" claims a man on a computer connected to a multitude of friends.
Man comments on bomb under his desk marked 'Accidental Data Release' saying "Don't worry, that's been ticking away for ages."
"It alerts us if anyone accidentally tries to send confidential data to a private email address" says man about a klaxon and alarm light attached to the ceiling.
"Let's talk business - I'm practically alone" says man on a crowded train.
Subtitle: 'Blurter on the Orient Express'
"Parlons boulot Je suis pratiquement seul"
'évitons les conversations professionnelles dans les lieux publics'
Office worker to another with everything on floor: "That's not what we meant by clean desk policy."..Subtitle: 'Don't make a scene, apply a clear desk policy'
"Can you identify the right customer before you release their information" asks a staff training officer.
"So far so good - our security is holding" says a male office worker to a female office worker as a blinfolded hacker tries to swat a pinata labelled 'Crucial Company Data'
"My whole digital life just data breached before my eyes" - says a young woman lying on the road to her friend.
"Worst privacy breach ever" notes a bypasser of a boy jammed head-first into the wall of a digital dyke.
People with egg on their faces agree to avoid further embarrasssment by building in a privacy code from the ground up.
Man in an office releases a flock of emails from his outbox - saying "Fly home my pretties - oops- as one flies out the wrong window- subtitle: 'Check every email gets to the right home.'
"Ooops - think I just emailed my files to everyone in my address book" exclaims one office worker to another. "Lol" is the reply.
"Oups, J'crois bien que J'ai envoyé mes fichiers à tout mon carnet d'addresses" - "Top!"
'Petit clic, gros couac'
Farmer locks the 'Privacy Policy' stable door after the 'Privacy Reputation' horse has bolted.
A bouncer prevents an office worker from entering the IT computer room door below a neon sign while the IT nerd is allowed to pass. Caption: 'Avoid a security breach, keep data out of reach'
At a lost luggage window a man sits in front of shelves filled with boxes labelled phones laptops USB's hard-drives discs reputations careers - Subtitle - A device is only as smart as the owner - keep them secure.
Cartoon depicts AVoid the Ohnosecond ( That minuscule fraction of time it takes your brain to realize that you've just made a gigantic mistake ) 'Protect Your information - double check before you click.'
"They must believe in data privacy - it says so on all their paperwork" notes a passer-by who has picked up papers blowing out the door of some nameless corporation.
"Oh no all our private information!" cry the little pigs as the wolf blows down their bank.
Man sitting on column typing is about to be hit by a wrecking all labelled 'The Reputation Wrecker.'..ball, breach, cartoon, confidential, data, disclosure, information, leak, loss, personal, Privacy, private, protection, release, reputation, secure, security, spill, unintentional, wrecking
The IT room - no clowns allowed say signs outside a door to a server room - caption is 'avoid a security breach- keep data out of reach.
Executive woman on a train advises a male executive wearing his jacket over his head and laptop - "You really should get a screen-protector" - caption is 'Don't bury your head about data protection'
Two office workers regard a pie graph labelled 'Expenditure' "It will be far easier to justify better security after a massive data breach."
Directors, staff, & public ride on a privacy train crash into 'Data Breach Gully'.
"Was that a planned relese of information?" asks one office worker after an explosion has scattered all their data into the street.
'Where in the world is Waldo's data? wonders he as data streams zip between servers on islands all over the globe.
Cartoon depicts a man wearing an armoured whistle as a helmet 'Protective gear for whistleblowers'
A zeppelin marked 'Company Reputation' is going down in flames while a man fleeing the scene says "But I only made one little inflammatory remark." Caption - Careful what information you share on social media.'
Chris Slane's privacy-oriented editorial cartoons are painfully funny! Online privacy is pretty much a dumpster-fire, but it's a funny dumpster fire in the world of Kiwi editorial cartoonist Chris Slane, whose one-panel strips are hilarious in a kind of oh-shit-we're-doomed kind of way.
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