Education Cartoons
Cartoons by Chris Slane relating to issues in education.
'If school athletics were run like a narrow national stanards test' - athletics day competitors prepare to jump but they have been issued with poles of varying lengths.
"Shoudn't You Be Reading More?" asks a father of his son while both watch an action movie on a huge screen.
Military school pupils carry sigssaying 'Save charter schools from state controlled uniformity' and 'But not stae funding'.
"Does your test measure lateral thinking?" asks a seal of a human examiner, after the elephant knocks down the tree to allow access to all animals.
"Please Miss - there's something in the way" notes an early school pupil among others in their classroom to the teacher while holding the tail of a large elephant labelled 'Poverty'.
"Son - we're stuck - mind giving us a hand with your homework?" asks a father and mother struggling over school homework while their teen watches televsion.
'The Un-level Playing Field' shows 3 students competing to climb measuring poles but some start from positions higher or lower while parents observe that the privilged school 'B' gets the best results.