Farmer's weekly 2022
Cartoon depicts two sheep watching a topdressing plane spraying "Phosphate time again?" "Gold dust -it's cheaper"
Cartoon depicts a waka labelled 'He Waka Eke Noa' paddled by a crew some of whom are bailing water while two are drilling holes in the hull and holding a sign 'Help we are sinking' refers to a five-year programme to empower farmers and growers to measure, manage and reduce on-farm emissions in New Zealand
Cartoon depicts a newly born lamb on a snowy hill side asking "So is spring normally this white?"
Cartoon depicts an avocado monument to Northland ( Te Tai Tokelau ) New Zealand "Good good but is it bigger than that damn kiwifruit?"
Cartoon depicts a street outside a display window of a real estate agent selling city fringe sections for new housing on valuable agricultural soils as a shopper gapes at the prices in fruit and vegtable shop with broccoli at $25 each
Cartoon depicts a farmer and dog standing under a tree above flooded farm feilds as wreckage flows downstream in the rain "Council? Hey about that grazing plan-" he says into his phone.
Cartoon depicts a foreign buyer hiking the hill country saying to a farmer "I'm a wool buyer - Is this the way to find the legendary shrek-merino breed?"
Cartoon depicts a large unmanned vehicle harvesting grapes while a farmer comments "turns out these are the droids we are looking for"
Cartoon depicts awards for Carbon Factor Sequestration Awards with first prize going to a pine tree while a kowhai gets last place
Cartoon depicts a farmer skiing behind a tractor with the heading 'Haymaking starts late due to wet weather - News'
Cartoon depicts animals with placards protesting against the government's plans for inclusion of farming sectors in greenhouse gas reduction plans
Cartoon depicts day weed triffids doing battle with gound cover plants 'Herbs Vs Weeds orchard trial -news' "Forget poison - let the ground covers fight it out with the weeds" cries a farmer as two people flee - referrs to research into growing ground cover plants under orchard trees to stop weeds growing -
Cartoon depicts a farmer driving a ute along a damaged road in backcountry commenting on an 80km slow speed sign "Do we have a choice?" refers to lowering of rural speed limits angering many rural communities.