Farmers Weekly 2023
A selection of cartoons by Chris Slane on issues related to farming - previously published in NZFarmers Weekly magazine.
Cartoon depicts newNational Party agriculture minister Todd McClay clay pigeon shooting with each target signifying a policy they are considering getting rid of .
Freshwater Standards
Methane targets
Ute tax
Resource Management Act
Bystander: Um Todd, "who is picking up the pieces?"
Heading: 'The Great McClay Pigeon Shoot'
Cartoon depicts two farmers standing in a flooded field while it rains heavily. "App says El Niño is coming soon" says one looking at his phone. The other replies "Well, he better bring his raincoat".
Relates to a story about farmers in the wider Gisborne area facing another wet summer with huge rainfall over the weekend. They are now hoping El Niño will arrive soon.
Cartoon depicts two cows with 'judge' written on their T-shirts viewing a computer screen. A website is called featuring a photo of a bull named 'Arapuni Pride'. Love heart icons float above the cows. Headline: 'NZ bull wins champion of the world - news'
Cartoon depicts two farmers holding booklets labelled 'EU Trade Deal' "Who was that masked Man?" "Some rare old bird*' Damien O'Connor
Cartoon depicts a submarine labelled Fonterra. It is manned by two men watching farmers on land via a perscope. "How do farmers like our scope 3 plans, sir?" asks a crewman. "they look peaceful but rig for depth charges, anyway" replies CEO Hurrell.
Cartoon depicts a crowd of sheep with protest signs gathered around a couple of hippy looking sheep, saying "Talking 'bout a revolution, well, you know, we all want to save the wool." Signs say 'Wear wool not fossil fuel' 'VivaLa Vicuna' 'Come together wool forever' 'Wool is cool' 'Let mother nature rule, choose wool'.
The news headline : 'Calls for wool revolution'.Relates to a story about a woman who is trying to start a Wool Revolution and create more interest in the use of wool and wool products.
Cartoon depicts a family from the city driving into the country reading a billboard saying 'Please be kind to farmers - they want a cleaner environment too.' News tag says 'Survey find townies & country folk share concerns - news'
Cartoon depicts Prime Minister Christopher Luxon labouring to fill potholes on a long country road. Two farmers leaning on a fence are watching Luxon. One says "Better hurry up Chris. Only 99 days left." Refers to list of National Party's 100 day priorities.
Cartoon depicts flying pigs coming into NZ concerns over the possible worldwide spread of African Swine Fever in pigs, MPI is monitoring the situation. 'MPI monitoring global spread of African Swine Fever - News'
Cartoon depicts NZFirst leader Winston Peters standing in the doorway of a western saloon, hands poised over his pistols. "Any man don't wanna form a coalition better clear on out the back." Various patrons of the bar are scrambling to get away. Refers to Clint Eastwood film 'The Unforgiven' and political turmoil among parties of the right regarding possible coalitions during the 2023 #NZPol election campaign.
Cartoon depicts a farming couple standing next to a rural letterbox. "Looks like someone stole your annuiversary present" says he. "Well at least he's not blaming you this year". says she to a dog. Heading reads 'Rural thefts on the rise-News'
Cartoon depicts a man attempting to spray giant bugs but the spray is only dripping. His spray backpack is EPA poison - slow release'. Headline 'Delays in past chemical approvals - news'
Cartoon depicts a Canadian Mountie at a border post 'Welcome To Canada' having chopped down a tree across the road labelled 'Unlawful Trade Barrier'. He is saying "Ooops! Sorry, heh." to a Fonterra milk tanker. and driver labelled 'NZ Dairy' News: 'Canada ordered to abide by free trade rules'
Canada has been given a rap over the knuckles for ignoring a free trade agreement with NZ for dairy produce. They favoured their own suppliers.
Cartoon depicts a farmer and his son reading Farmers Weekly. The son is blowing a party whistle. "Honk!"
Cartoon depicts a lone disappointed kiwi farmer and his dog at the trade entrance of the great wall of China, upon which hangs a sign 'Back in 2024'. Headine reads 'News: China's Economic Recovery Stalled'
Cartoon depicts a scientist chap in a waterway coming up for air with seaweed all over his head, having a eureka moment - "Eureka! It was staring me in the face!" A female scientist with a clipboard and a cow watch on from the shoreline.
'News: trials on the Coromandel Peninsula show sea lettuce gorges on pollutants' .... in freshwater, potentially removing a significant source of contamination from New Zealand’s waterways.
Cartoon depicts NZ captain Kane Williamson handing India's Virat Kohli a glass of milk "Glass of milk?" and Kohli saying "Got my own, thanks." Kohli indicates a table stacked with glasses of milk, indicating India has high production from a local dairy industry. Title: 'NZ-India free trade discussions- news'
Cartoon depicts a farm dog with a whistle pointing as a farmer runs off on all fours. A scientist says to a colleague "Maybe we made this one too smart." Title: 'Scientists to improve breeding of sheep dogs - news'
Cartoon depicts NZ supermarkets looking to improve their carbon footprints. A woman is pushing a packed shopping trolley through the store with a sign on the trolley saying 'this vehicle is carbon zero'
Cartoon of a man on a ladder standing on a ladder next to a girl standing in a flooded field title: 'POOR WEATHER DAMAGES MAIZE YIELDS - NEWS - a man in a rain coat places a sign on top of 'MAIZE MAZE' reads 'HALF PRICE DISCOUNT' while a young child stands in a flooded field observing a flattened field of maize.
Cartoon depicts a wallaby riding a motorbike to leap over a fence. Refers to a Steve McQueens scene in the Great Escape movie and a story about a new wallaby proof fence being installed in South Canterbury. It's 1.3 metres high and 48km long. At the same time there have been reports of a dead Wallaby being found in Ruapehu in the North Island, which is unusual.
Cartoon depicts Emma Poole Young holding a Farmer Of The Year trophy looking down a hole in the ceiling calling down to a group of young females "Come on up!" Title 'Breaking the glass ceiling,
Cartoon depicts calves drinking milk from a feeder full of milk with labels of problems meat prices,interest rates,fert prices,markets,sustainability,elections,govt support,accreditation,weather,
Cartoon depicts two cows in a beauty pageant getting wildly differing scores "IT'S HARD TO KNOW WHAT YOUR WORTH IS THESE DAYS"
Cartoon depicts a scene at Fieldays 2023 with a group of politcians standing on handbales their breaths visible above their heads in the freezing temperature. A rural ma in shorts and rolled up sleeves comments to a feloow "I see the townies have arrived."
Cartoon depicts two farmers watching a man in a white lab coat trying to milk a cow with test tubes, beakers and a Bunsen burner commenting "These professors have some good ideas on stock rotation, pretty rubbish on the cups, tho." Heading: 'News: redundant uni staff hit the job market'
Cartoon depicts a man sitting on a hill with a dog at sunset. The dog says "thanks for all the typing, Steve" Caption: 'Ditch' the columnist retires' Refers to Farmers Weekly columnist Steve Wyn-Harris’s long-time companion 'Ditch' heading to a sheep and beef farm in Whangaehu.
Cartoon depicts about 77 year old dog triallist Ginger Anderson of Ōmarama who is among the front-runners at the business end of the 2023 New Zealand sheep dog trials, near Balclutha who when asked if he reckons he can win another title and the heading asks "can an old dog teach us a few old tricks?' he says "oh hell yeah".
Cartoon depicts a farmer trying to figure out how one pine adds up to three Mānuka trees refers to carbon sequestration and how farmers can add up their tree plantings and put them in the ETS system for funding applications to the One Billion Trees programme. Farmers who have tree blocks on their land have to consider how they can be counted to help offset emissions under He Waka Eke Noa (HWEN).
Cartoon depicts a tangle of storm debris on an east coast New Zealand orchard or farm labelled 'clean up costs' 'slash' 'inflation' 'insurance' 'plastic' waste 'budget limits' 'bureaucracy' while an farmer comments 'I reckon the next 100 year storm might arrive before the recovery plan"
Cartoon depicts an exotic moth bug tasting porridge marked Florida Sweden NZ "Too hot...Too Cold... Mmm just right" says the insect - title: 'Global Warming & The Invasive Species - a future tale'
Cartoon depicts ploughman with two horses on a hot day one horse says "I knew tat fancy farmer in the sky was no good" 'Satellite outage halts remote control tractors - News'
Cartoon depicts a sheep posing for an online stock sale bidding app caalled 'Bidr' 'Get the camera higher - it brings out your eyes" says another sheep while in background another takes a selfie holding a large fish.
Cartoon depicts a scene at a farm gate with a man packing his bags for a long trip on to the back of a ute "where are you off to?" asks a woman "the Doctor" says he "OK see you next week" she replies refers to a story about a shortage of rural doctors.
Cartoon depicts a distressed dairy farmer pointing to tiny leak in his milk tank while a repair guy says "I thought you said it was an emergency" refers to fear that if New Zealand farming sector reduces emissions then other nations will make up that production gap with less sustainable food.
Cartoon depicts a farmer on his rooftop with a stellite dish Starlink looking up at a line of satellites in the night sky "Twinkle Twinkle little starlink. What I wonder is how you're so cheap and reliable?" Skylink is giving farmers a big discount on its satellite broadband services, local providers a bit miffed
Cartoon depicts a Beef & Lamb NZ meeting with the presentation on 'He Waka Eke Noa emmissions agreement ' with speaker asking "Any comments from the floor?" almost everyone in the audience has their hands in the air.
Cartoon depicts a family visiting a farm to pick their own fruit but the farmer says "Summer fruit? Haven't seen them in years"
Cartoon depicts a maori construction worker 'Kohu Iwi Build' standing on a bridge smashed by floods and forestry slash talking to a ghost of a regional council official carrying many forms "bro you know we can't wait to drive your ghost roads" -refers to a tv advertisement - story at
Cartoon depicts people passing emergency supplies across a river where the bridge has been swept away by cyclone Gabrielle which spell out the word 'Community'
Cartoon depicts aerial view of forestry slash detritus from the floods of cyclone Gabrielle having washed away a bridge and flooded vineyards on the east coast of New Zealand - heading : 'Wrong Tree Wrong Place' a counterpoint to the recent public awareness campaign 'Right tree right place'.
Cartoon depicts a farmer dad standing next to his daughter by a stream while viewing a colour coded sunrise representing 'Average Global Temp 1850 - 2018 saying to his 'Red sky in the morning shepherds warning..." Originally created by climatologist Ed Hawkins to show blue (cooler) to red (warmer) years long-term increase of average global temperature.
Cartoon depicts two bees looking at their beehive overflowing with honey commenting "We really need to fix these infrastructure issues" news tag 'Maunuka honey glut hurting beekeepers'
Cartoon depicts Chief Executive NZ Fish & Game Corina Jordan fishing in a river and hooking a fermer off the river bank "I don't know why we haven't worked together before now" - title: 'Fish & Game head aims to build a better relationship between farmers & fishers'
Cartoon depicts a Coke Zero placed outside new Prime Minister's Chris Hipkins office door on top of a note labelled 'Farming Wish List'
Cartoon depicts two men seated by a container full of meat for export drinking flat beer from cans "next we'll be sending flat beers to Newcastle"