Cyber Security Cartoons
A gallery of cartoons about cyber-security by Chris Slane.
Cartoon depicts a woman sitting at her desk. On her screen is 'Customer Card Data'. Her thought bubble includes 2 options' a rubbish bin icon says 'Delete this data after use?" A padlock character says "Or secure the data".
Cartoon depicts Halloween night children visiting a house demanding trick or treat. Some are wearing scary outfits but all are carrying signs with various scams. 'Utility bill final demand pay now' 'Your package has shipped' 'Link to bank' 'Pay 4 Facebook Market Place purchase' IT Help we take bitcoin or gift card'One older kid announces :"Digital trick or treat".
Cartoon movie depicts Halloween night children visiting a house demanding trick or treat. Some are wearing scary outfits but all are carrying signs with various scams. 'Utility bill final demand pay now' 'Your package has shipped' 'Link to bank' 'Pay 4 Facebook Market Place purchase' IT Help we take bitcoin or gift card'One older kid announces :"Digital trick or treat".
Cartoon depicts a group of Halloween night children visiting a house demanding trick or treat. Some are wearing scary outfits but all are carrying signs with various scams. 'Utility bill final demand pay now' 'Your package has shipped' 'Link to bank' 'Pay 4 Facebook Market Place purchase' IT Help we take bitcoin or gift card'One older kid announces :"Digital trick or treat".
Cartoon depicts a Russian bear looming over the globe throwing computer viruses and exotic malware beasts at Ukraine which are rebounding over the borders while onlookers comment "There are no borders in a cyber war" - slogan is "War videos often go viral - so can suspicious links websites & downloads'
Satirical cartoon refers to Stranger Things TV series featuring hacked smart devices- title 'Stranger Internet of Things' A back door has opened in your smart device' Slogan - 'Don't let hackers turn your world upside down - secure all smart devices' also shows a teen hacker.
Birds are attracted to a website/bath which is really a snake in disguise.
Cartoon shows a man departing the office and thinking "Did I leave too much information on that customers's answering machine?" "Did I double check recipients of that confidential email?" "Did that person have authority for information on that customer;s account?" Frame 2 - 'At Home' lying wide awake in bed thinking - "Did I encript that file before I sent it?" "Did I classify that document correctly?""Should I set up an email delay rule?" "Should I tell someone about the mistake I made?" Subtitle - Avoid the afterthought - think before sending out information"
"Hi - I need your help quick I am at the airport and my phone's battery is just about flato go flat..."claims a scammer to a woman working at her desk. Caption reads 'It's ok to hang up on social engineers.'
"Too bad Aladdin They must have changed their password" says a friend after the phrase 'Open Sesame' failed to open Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves' cave door...
"It alerts us if anyone accidentally tries to send confidential data to a private email address" says man about a klaxon and alarm light attached to the ceiling.
A guard defending a castle wall cries "Oh no they're trying to guess our password" besigers attempt to open the castle doors via keypad entry - Subtitle reads security is only as good as your password.
Castle is being stormed by an medieval army while one soldier tries to tap in a key code next to a door. A voice from inside says "Stop trying to guess our password."
"I told you not to share my password with anybody" chides a king to his knight as their castle is looted and burnt...Subtitle: 'Don't give away the keys to your castle.'
Various people such as a cleaner a spy and office workers crowd around the desk of a woman
Office worker to another with everything on floor: "That's not what we meant by clean desk policy."..Subtitle: 'Don't make a scene, apply a clear desk policy'
Cartoon depicts woman relaxing while cookies biscuits dance on her compter keyboard and click her mouse for her as she says to a man "I find it much easier allowing cookies to fill out online forms for me"
"Their password was ridiculously easy to guess so they should reallytake half the blame" pleads a hacker in court. 'Easy to remember = easy to guess'
"Can you identify the right customer before you release their information" asks a staff training officer.
Cartoon depicts a hacker hiding behind a cutout image of a boss talking to a woman in accounts "Hey - your boss here - I need you to drop everything else and pay this huge bill ASAP!" Woman thinks "Hmmm doesn't sound like my boss" - title - 'Authenticate before you communicate - check for fake email urls. '
"So far so good - our security is holding" says a male office worker to a female office worker as a blinfolded hacker tries to swat a pinata labelled 'Crucial Company Data'
Cartoon shows an office with a man talking on a screen saying "Hello it's your boss calling Send me $240; 000" while a hacker hiding behind the screen pickpockets a wallet. 'Signs of a deepfake' Slogan - 'Dig Deeper - educate yourself on how to spot deep-fakes'
Cartoon shows Diwali lights and symbols representing elements of computer security with the message "Happy Diwali - May the light win over thedarkness of cyber evil".
Cartoon depicts people in an elevator one saying "Careful some people have big ears round here" while a clown stands next to them.
Man in an office releases a flock of emails from his outbox - saying "Fly home my pretties - oops- as one flies out the wrong window- subtitle: 'Check every email gets to the right home.'
"Ooops - think I just emailed my files to everyone in my address book" exclaims one office worker to another. "Lol" is the reply.
One fish warns another about scam attached to hook. "I wouldn't click that link if I were you."
Cartoon depicts a detective with a large magnifying glass tacking the large footprints packed with social media posts and logos behinf a young man who notices and says "!"
Cartoon depicts an office worker who sees a device on the ground outside a building and thinks "Cool- a free USB drive" and a hacker in a hoody lurks nearby thinking "Cool - free access to his PC - his company - network - banking"
Cartoon shows a castle with two doors a guarded door labelled foes and a side door open to 'Friends' caption - 'Don't leave a door open to social engineers'
Cartoon depicts a woman reclining on a tropical beach uploading a selfie photo of herself saying "Loving this holiday location #vaycay" The next frame shows a burglar breaking into her home holding a phone with her photo on the screen saying "Thanks for your geotag #truecrime" Share Good memories with friends not locations with stalkers: Turn Off your geotagging.,stalkers
Cartoon depicts a series of buildings including a large fortress labelled 'Secure IT Environment Firewall' while a man sleeps at home in front of his PC and next door a hacker intercepting his digital communications to his office says "Bingo!"
Cartoon depicts two hackers from Hell entering Heaven via a computer "We're in!" exclaims one triumphantly
Cartoon depicts a job interview with a grumpy panel memeber saying "We were going to employ you but then we discovered your main hobby was blabbing all over the internet" Subtitle - Careful what you share on the internet'
en française
"Est-ce qu'on a vraiment besoin de ça?"
Prix de l'action
A burglar escapes with laptop, as the owner returns home wondering what harm there is in sending files home.
.Cartoon shows man in office tearing hair out as his computer displays a notification 'Warning - virus infection detected' wile a co-worker aks "Wow that's a new look what do you call it?" - he answers "Le freak out"..Subtitle: Own your mailbox - don't open unexpected attachments'..cartoon,security,virus,office,
'Beware the un-authorised 'toe'-gator' is the title for a cartoon showing a man with a very log leg attempting to gain unauthorised entry to a building.
"Looks phishy to me' says a small fish looking at angler fish dangling a bright message marked 'Urgent Security mail - click here.". Subtitle: 'Own your mailbox - don't take the bait."
At a lost luggage window a man sits in front of shelves filled with boxes labelled phones laptops USB's hard-drives discs reputations careers - Subtitle - A device is only as smart as the owner - keep them secure.
Cartoon depicts a lecturer who is dreesed only in his underwaer saying to a mixed audience "Now I wonder who among us might have a lower privacy threshold than others?"
Cartoon shows an elderly man on a porch with a cup of tea saying to a woman "Suddenly I can remeber all my first passwords".
Cartoon depicts a woman behind a desk filling in a form on a computer screen talking to another woman who has peices of her head missing pieces of a jigsaw "We can give you much better service if you fill in a few missing peices about yourself" caption - 'Cookies are created to identify you when you visit a new website.'
Cartoon shows a woman tempted by a present labelled 'Special Offer' inside a rope lasso trap.
Chris Slane's sense of humor is sharp and wicked and so much to the point!
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