.."All we need to do to avoid global catastrophe is reduce subsidies for giant asteroids" proclaims a T-rex dinosaur to a group of fellow dinosaurs as one small mammal rushes for a hole as asteroids enter the atmosphere...Cartoons,Asteroid,Dinosaurs,global,catastrophe,subsidies,asteroids,T-rex,dinosaur ,mammal,global,warming climate, change,AGW,denialist,denialism,
Cartoon depicts two tunnel entrances one for motor vehicles the other for trains. Headline is '2050.' Two miners are standing between one commenting "These tunnels are perfect now we all must live underground" The sky is smoky yellow in colur and meagre vegetation is scorched.
Cartoon depicts a blue scorpion labelled N for National and resembling leader Christopher Luxon riding on the back of a frog labelled 'Labour & Greens' saying "Trust me. Why would I renew on climate? We would both drown". They are attempting to swim to the side of the boiling pot over a fire. Refers to National plans to keep agriculture off the ETS until 2030, to give farmers more time before paying for emissions.
'Overton Windows'. Cartoon depicts a red and blue coloured political landscape signposted as left, centre and right. One giant green rainbow coloured window frame containing a green ecological low carbon 'survivable future' landscape with a Maori woman ( Marama Davidson - Green Party ) calling "Come with us if you want to live." Dressed in a red shirt the leader of Labour Party Chris Hipkins, sword in hand, is standing on top of the hill labelled 'Majority of Voters'. He is sparring with leader of National Party Chris Luxon dressed in a blue shirt, who is retreating to the right of the centre. A sign on the downward slope to the right is labelled 'Business As Usual'. On the far right a small gold coloured window frame is labelled 'UBER-RICH SURVIVAL' . It contains a luxury boat travelling through a flooded suburban landscape. This window frame is being lifted into the air by a helicopter blade with a wealthy man in a top hat ascending a ladder. It is David Seymour leader of the Act party is holding a champagne glass calling "Not all of you can come with us, SOZ!". An Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time aka 'window of discourse'
Cartoon depicts a steampunk style futuristic workshop hangar with a bright earth sphere in the centre with New Zealand & Australia foremost also connected to a tangle of pipes and cables. A set of stairs leads to a door open in the south island of New Zealand indicated by a female scientist saying "This is a space-time machine. We can all use it to travel into the future, but only if..." A man in a blue suit interrupts with "We take it out a few burnouts and donuts? Yeehaw! Voom Voom!"
Cartoon depicts aerial view of forestry slash detritus from the floods of cyclone Gabrielle having washed away a bridge and flooded vineyards on the east coast of New Zealand - heading : 'Wrong Tree Wrong Place' a counterpoint to the recent public awareness campaign 'Right tree right place'.
Cartoon depicts an exotic moth bug tasting porridge marked Florida Sweden NZ "Too hot...Too Cold... Mmm just right" says the insect - title: 'Global Warming & The Invasive Species - a future tale'
Cartoon depicts a distressed dairy farmer pointing to tiny leak in his milk tank while a repair guy says "I thought you said it was an emergency" refers to fear that if New Zealand farming sector reduces emissions then other nations will make up that production gap with less sustainable food.
Cartoon depicts a road bridge smashed by forestry slash wreckage with road cones and tape marked 'Environnmental Crime Scene' as a police stand watch.
Cartoon depicts PM Chris Hipkins and minister of finance minister Grant Robertson standing on a broken stopbank labelled 'Disaster Budget' watching floods from cyclone Gabrielle rush through saying "we need to build back better safer and a wee bit higher"
Cartoon depicts planet earth viewed from space above New Zealand which says "We're too small to make a difference" while a huge cyclone cloud ( Gabrielle ) replying "you still matter to me"
Cartoon depicts a farmer dad standing next to his daughter by a stream while viewing a colour coded sunrise representing 'Average Global Temp 1850 - 2018 saying to his 'Red sky in the morning shepherds warning..." Originally created by climatologist Ed Hawkins to show blue (cooler) to red (warmer) years long-term increase of average global temperature.
"Everything on this one" says a middle aged pale male denialist as he pushes all his chips on to the square marked 'best case scenario' - "no more bets" says the figure of death labelled 'climate change' - while a blond woman holds the arm of the big spender.
"Releasing carbon off-setting seeds now..." announces the captain of large jet airliner as bomb bay doors open to drop millions of tiny seeds.
Cartoon depicts a granfather sitting in his recliner chair with a grand-daughter sitting on his kee asking "So pops what did you do in the great covid pandemic?" he answers "I denied its existence -refused to wear a mask - attended mass-spreader events - harassed doctors - peddled quack cures - tied up scarce health resources - complained about inconvenience - yep my medal should be arriving any day" Title - '2030'
"It's ridiculous to ban set-netting just to save a few midget dolphins" says captain of a fishing boat on the edge of a giant waterfall at the end of the world marked 'Anthropocene Mass-Extinction'.
Publication/Scheduled Issue 1927 - NZ Listener Jun 29-Jul 5 2019
Cartoon depicts a smokey ute driver commenting on a protester placard about lowering the voting age to 16 #makeit16 "That's crazy - young people can't make rational long term decisions" - while other placards read 'Save the planet' 'Don't burn our future' 'There is no planet B'
Cartoon depicts NZGreen Party leader James Shaw as James Bond 'COP26 - UN Climate Change Conference - No time to die' "The name's Shaw - James Shaw - Save a room in MIQ for the planet"
Cartoon depicts two frames 'Today' features a boardroom CEO saying "Acknowledge climate change? Ha -over our dead bodies!" as his fellow exucutives laugh -'2050' shows a graveyard eroded by storm waters bodies floating away "Oh no floods have uncovered the boomers again"
Cartoon depicts a three-storied building marooned in flood waters labelled 'Climate Change' -"Just as well we allowed buildings to go to three stories when we did" says a man on the third floor.
Cartoon shows man selling old window frames in a demolition yard with a sign labelled 'Just in - Windows 1900'
Cartoon shows a man labelled 'NZ' carrying a larger pile of broken appliances to a waste heap saying to a woman carrying a small rubbish basket "We're chucking out way above our weight"
Cartoon shows a nervous businessman as a female repair worker takes out a large spanner from a 'De-construction kit' box as they both contemplate a dirty machine spewing polluted fluids and gases ou labelled 'Mass consumerism & waste'
"Everything on this one" says a middle aged pale male denialist as he pushes all his chips on to the square marked 'best case scenario' - "no more bets" says the figure of death labelled 'climate change' - while a blond woman holds the arm of the big spender.
Stupid mammals whadda they know? Yeah! The climate has always changed! They're parroting the parrots" say the dinosaurs to amammal Greta Thunberg as a climate change asteroid approaches.
"There's a deadly new virus on the planet" says one person "No kidding" says another from a planet infested by jet passenger airliners swarming all over it in a manner akin to flies feeding on rotten fruit.
Cartoon depicts a line of motorists in stationary cars stuck in traffic irritated by a variety of pedestrians passing them including cyclists skaters scooters skaters EV mobility vehicle
Cartoon depicts two frogs in a pond on lily pads one says - "When humans start dying that's when I'm going to worry about the environment"
A line of amphibian cars drives off the road into the sea as one driver says to a passenger "Funny to recall just a few years ago no one was driving these"
Comic strip about global warming denialists who believe they are modern day geniuses.
Comic strip about global warming denialists who believe they are modern day geniuses.
Comic strip about global warming denialists who believe they are modern day geniuses.
Title - 'Critically Endangered Species: The Denialist Bird - Help save this rare bird - forgive generously' - an elderely armchair warrior squawks and snorts in reaction to the headline on his computer screen - IPCC - global warming worse to come as his environment heats up.
'In the Year 2060' Many houses are sitting on poles in a flooded area while a woman says to a grumpy-faced man "Well at least we kept taxes low."
Caption - West Coast Regional council claims science on global warming not settled - news -"The sea temperature always has these warm patches" says on of a group of suited white men standing in yellow stained seawater.
Planet earth floats in space charred to a smoking cinder while an alien spaceship hovers nearby "What do you expect from carbon based lifeforms?" asks one crystalline alien of a companion...Planet,earth,space,cinder,alien,spaceship,carbon,lifeforms,crystalline,alien,companion,global,warming,climate,change,environmental,disaster,armageddon,
"I suggest taking an immediate stake in small warm furry creature futures" says a chief executive dinosaur to a boardroom table surrounded by other dinosaurs. as a giant meteor enters the atmosphere outside the buiding looking over a primeval landscape of the Cretaceous period.
"Experts are divided on whether Rome is actually getting warmer" "This is a natural cycle - rise -decline- fall -sacking" "The alarmists have vested interests in aqueducts".says romans to an complacentemporer playing the lute or fiddle...Rome,Romans,fire,burning,global,warming,denier,denialism,climate,crisis,warnings,science,Nero,inaction,alarmist,
Cartoon depicts a waka labelled 'He Waka Eke Noa' paddled by a crew some of whom are bailing water while two are drilling holes in the hull and holding a sign 'Help we are sinking' refers to a five-year programme to empower farmers and growers to measure, manage and reduce on-farm emissions in New Zealand
Cartoon depicts the display from an online fantasy game called Climate Quest - 'Join The Quest' open with 'Defeat Fossilosaur' option selected created for Climate Quest - Fossilosaur dragon representing the addiction to fossil fuel reserves, suppliers and associated industries - a player avatar is ready to select options from the game panel such as - vote - join - ask - organize - protest - support - boycott - while other players are wielding various 'eco' powers represented by microphone a sun & green lightning. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Cartoon showing an arched bridge with a gold keystone. The gold keystone is Climate, which supports the other blocks that make up the arch: Food, Health, Jobs, Homes, Affordability, Safety, and Freedom. The gold Climate keystone is being weakened by a crane seizing a chunk of it. A group of people stands on the bridge looking on in dismay. One says, “We should do something!” Another responds, “More paper straws?” The digger that is changing the climate interjects, “The climate has always changed.” Artist Chris Slane @SlaneCartoons, License CC BY-SA 4.0. Source: https://www.slanecartoon.com/-/galleries/climate-quest-cartoons
Cartoon about how many degrees of warming we choose to allow from fossil fuels and other sources of greenhouse gases. A massive billboard advertises three earths. The first earth, labelled “Stable Climate”, is billed as “proven to work for 10,000 years”, but is “sold out by fossil fuels”. The second earth, labelled “Liveable Earth”, requires us to “clean up energy, reduce waste, protect nature”, and we need to “act now, offer closes soon”. The third earth, labelled “Hell Knows!”, tempts us to “pay later, how bad could it be?” In front of the billboard, a man and a girl stand in front of the two earths that we can still choose between. The girl points enthusiastically to a “Liveable Earth”. The man seems undecided as he looks towards a future of “Hell Knows!” His briefcase says “Business as Usual”. Artist Chris Slane @SlaneCartoons, License CC BY-SA 4.0.
Cartoon about the history of climate science - The first panel shows the American scientist and inventor Eunice Newton Foote in her conservatory in 1856. Her experiment with a cylinder of air and a cylinder of carbon dioxide is in front of her - She observes “Hmm - this gas would give our earth a high temperature - Fortunately nature is in balance" - On the right we see an oil baron of the same era saying, “Hold my beer!” He is wheeling a dripping barrel labeled “Gigatons of Carbon” and behind him we see a gushing oil well - piles of coal- industrial smokestacks- and methane flaring - subtitle - 'More carbon dioxide = more heating' - Artist Chris Slane @SlaneCartoons - License CC BY-SA 4.0.
Cartoon depicts one man with a large carbon shadow accuses another man with a smaller carbon shadow "Aha eating a burger eh? So much for saving the planet!" Second man replies "Bro I don't have to be perfect only helpful".License CC BY-SA 4.0.
Depicts pipes and a temperature gauge measuring Global Heat going into the red showing city and rural people supporting various measures to lower heat. Cartoon depicts the display from an online fantasy game called Climate Quest - 'Join The Quest' open with 'Defeat Fossilosaur' option selected created for Climate Quest - Fossilosaur dragon representing the addiction to fossil fuel reserves, suppliers and associated industries - a player avatar is ready to select options from the game panel such as - vote - join - ask - organize - protest - support - boycott - while other players are wielding various 'eco' powers represented by microphone a sun & green lightning. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Cartoon depicts a mass of large automobiles rushes down a new multi-lane motorway towards a huge fire passing under a sign reading 'Highway Hell' a bystander in hi-vis and helmet comments "It's a much faster smoother ride once we paved it with good intentions" refers to completion of Transmission Gully route near Wellington New Zealand
"In 1980 denialists reached all the way to here" notes a male hiker to a female tramper both standing in a mountain valley where a glacier has retreated to one small remainder.
Cartoon depicts a couple of hikers viewing a glacier-like flow of aircraft and cars crowding up a mountain valley. Caption 'News - glaciers melting faster' https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/441435/new-zealand-s-glaciers-melting-faster-thinning-by-1-point-5m-a-year