IT Concept Cartoons
Preliminary pencil concepts relating to privacy, infuse and data by Chris Slane.. Contact if you have any suggestions, improvements or wish to use any of these.
Cartoon depicts a grumpy man talking to his wife "I didn't like someone's tweet so I deleted my whole account" Subtitle: 'If everyone treated online media like some treat print media'.
Cartoon depicts four faces of vishing scammers with speech indicating common traps for the public - fake IT scam - fake Amazon scam-fake offficial scam - fake telemarketer scam - concept drawing is a play on Meet The Fockers movie
Cartoon depicts concept sketch of a social media user including a location tag and a social engineer taking advantage of this information to steal his identity.
Cartoon shows a lazy worker saying "A deepfake boss would tell me to get off Tiktok so I won't know about deepfakes" caption: Educate yourself and others on how to spot a deepfake'
Cartoon shows Tom Cruise lookalike deepfake on a computer screen saying "Hi I'm Tom Cruise calling I want you to be in my next movie - Just send your bank details" while an female office worker says "Me - unbelieveable!" Caption: 'Don't make a deepfake mistake - trust but verify"
Cartoon pencil shows a wild west ranch labelled 'Wild West Server Farm' - unregulated' cloud computing,export,overseas,information,privacy,.
virus,working,remotely,home,computer,viruses,security,threats,Beware,security,perils,working,phishing,attacks,infosec,covid19,pandemic,cartoon,.."Ha - can't get me nasty virus - I'm working remotely" thinks the man working from home over-run by computer viruses and other security threats - 'Beware the security perils of remote working'
"The potential for learnings is also immense clearly" says a man looking at a broken damn spilling torrents of user data and sensitive company information away.
A woman stands in the middle of a crowd as her phone digitally handshakes with many others but ignores the man sneezing on her because he has his phone switched off.
"These devices have a habit of walking" says an office worker to another as a line of mobile devices leave the building.