Political Cartoons 2015
Cartoon shows greek soldiers in the style of the film and comic 300 while John Key Prime Minister of New Zealand offers his puny assistance "Hi - I'm here to help with training"
Cartoon shows a pie graph labelled '97% of climate scientists agree on global warming' with a denialist rich man admires the minor segment says 'Now these scientists I like"
Cartoon shows a ACT party Leader Jamie Whyte in scuba gear deep sea diving to the shipwreck of the ACT party. He see the problem, the ship just needs to change direction further to the right. Refers to Whyte's announcement that ACT Party will campaign on a three strikes policy for repeat burglars; maximum sentencing with no parole for a third conviction..Alexander Turnbull Library.6 March 2014
Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key carrying suitcases full of cash to the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank saying "I said I woud invest asset sales $ in infrastructure - just not in New Zealand"
.."All we need to do to avoid global catastrophe is reduce subsidies for giant asteroids" proclaims a T-rex dinosaur to a group of fellow dinosaurs as one small mammal rushes for a hole as asteroids enter the atmosphere...Cartoons,Asteroid,Dinosaurs,global,catastrophe,subsidies,asteroids,T-rex,dinosaur ,mammal,global,warming climate, change,AGW,denialist,denialism,
Cartoon depicts a spaceship labelled 'Australian Penal Transportation Kiwi Express' - title says 'Water discovered on Mars'
Prime Minister John Key running away from leader of the Labour Party, David Cunliffe, who is surrounded by crawling babies. Cunliffe says, "Baby bonus army - attack!"..31 January 2014..Alexander Turnbull Library
Cartoon by Chris Slane depicting a beached whale labelled, ‘National’s climate change policy’. Green Party co-leader James Shaw pours a bucket of water onto the whale and says, “Don’t worry fella, rising sea levels will get you moving eventually”.
cartoon by Chris Slane depicting Northland politician Mark Osborne trying unsuccessfully to lift a heavy set of weights with former MP Mike Sabin's name on one side, and Leader of NZ First Winston Peters on the other.
Cartoon by Chris Slane depicting Finance Minister Bill English as a body builder with an enormous pot belly labelled ‘National deficit’. English says, “Always been my goal to reach a surplus. Feeling pretty pumped”.
Cartoon depicts an angry bull labelled 'Public Opinion dazzled and distracted by flags labelled 'Flags' 'house prices' dairy fallout' 'Saudi scandal, 'Serco', '?WC booze' 'Global ?'
Cartoon shows prime Minister John Key waving a flag of 'Economic boom' and leading the National Party forward to the election over the cliff of 'Low tax income' Refers to claims by Key that business confidence is high, and the likelihood that the National government's tax cuts would be the downfall of a promised economic recovery.
Cartoon depicts Schoolboy Pranksters at the airport National Minister Tim Groser and Prime Minister John Key laughing as they crawl into the baggage claim labelled 'GCSB high security authorised personal only'
'Scenes we'd like to see' 'here's your 50cents per hour salary increase - it's linked to the minimum wage now" says a clerk to a stunned CEO sitting with his mouth gaping in shock...salary,higher,executive,packages,minimum,wage,..Cartoon shows 'scenes we'd like to see'; namely a company CEO being tossed a 50 cent pay increase by his employee as his salary is now linked to the minimum wage. .27 February 2014.Alexander Turnbull Library
Cartoon depicts a street of seedy clubs 'Cabinet Club' 'Iraq war club' '5 Eyes Spy Club' - "The clubs around here are pretty suck" notes a passer-by
Cartoon depicts Judith Collins as a wounded bull barging past John Key dressed as a matador saying "Smoko break Judith?"
Cartoon depicts Judith Collins at home in the dark on the phone saying "I want to report that I have been weeks without power" refers to a cabinet shuffle in which she was demoted by John Key.
Shows Judith Collins with a police officer who is holding a bag 'Crime Stats'. They have been caught in the act of running away in a spotlight. Collins says "Reporters run for it!". ..18 July 2014
Cartoon depicting MP Judith Collins as a cat that is clawing at the coat tails of Prime Minister John Key. Text reads, ‘Coat-tail tugger’
Cartoon shows journalist Nicky Hager dressed in a hazardous materials (hazmat) suit and gas mask, leading a team to clean up the Beehive Parliament building, which is emitting red, green, and yellow gasses and has been cordoned off as a biohazard zone. Cartoon references the publication of Hager's book, Dirty Politics...22 August 2014
Cartoon depicts Colin Craig of the Conservative Party begging Murray McCully of the National Party "Spare an electorate, Guvna?"
Cartoon shows leader of the Conservative Party, Colin Craig, as a town crier who is running down a cobblestone street posting writs onto the old wooden doors of the Civilian blog and the Green Party's offices, with a stack of others still in his hands. Craig calls out, "Unfair! Unfair! Unfair!"..21 February 2014
Cartoon depicts a bloated John Key labelled 'Politicians' saying "oh alright just one wafer-thin pay increase more"
Cartoon depicts Labour Party leader David Cunliffe as the Doctor Suess character the Cat in the Hat. Cunliffe has the rat 'Aussie bank profits' by the tail. In the background is the bowl 'Kiwi saver'. Refers to Labour Party plans to extend a compulsory Kiwi Saver scheme to more New Zealanders.
Cartoon shows Leader of the Labour Party, David Cunliffe standing outside his house, surrounded by a swarm of bees. Cunliffe says, "My wife says this is good preparation for being Prime Minister". Meanwhile, Cunliffe's wife, Karen Price, tends a backyard hive of bees, with a cat at her feet. Cartoon references an episode of TV3 current affairs programme, Campbell Live, which featured a story on Cunliffe and Price at home with their bees.
Title - 'Critically Endangered Species: The Denialist Bird - Help save this rare bird - forgive generously' - an elderely armchair warrior squawks and snorts in reaction to the headline on his computer screen - IPCC - global warming worse to come as his environment heats up.
Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key with the 'Dirty Politics' bucket being upended on his head. Refers to his involvement in National Party attack politics strategy scandal. Also spoofs the fundraiser ice bucket challenge competition...Alexander Turnbull Library..28 August 2014
Cartoon..Cartoon shows Minister for Justice Judith Collins seated on a ducking stool, having been dropped repeatedly into a pool of water labelled Oravida. Collins holds a controller for the device in her hand, and says, "This is like the witch trials of Salem." Labour MP Grant Robertson, who is standing near her dressed in old-fashioned apparel says, "But Judith, you are doing the ducking and diving by yourself". The Beehive is shown in the background. ..2 May 2014
Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key and ACT MP John Banks looking at the stern of the 'ACT' ship shipwrecked on Mount Eden above Epsom suburb, Auckland. Refers to the conviction of Banks for electoral fraud affecting the status of the ACT Party. However, Key has not said it will make it difficult for ACT to win the Epsom seat, or make it hard for the National Party to form a coalition with the ACT Party. .Alexander Turnbull Library.16 June 2014
Cartoon by Chris Slane depicting a man representing Kiwi exporters struggling against high interest rates, a high New Zealand dollar, house sales, farm sales, and high real estate prices.
A graph depicts '% people' along an x-axis and '$' in the y-axis - the group of people where most wealth is distributed - a minorty atop a pile of cash and descibed as 'the centre-right' while the majority of people have the least wealth and are described as 'the far left'....Cartoon shows a graph made of money, representing the distribution of wealth in New Zealand. The 'far left' has low levels of wealth, where as the 'centre right', has a very high level of wealth. Prime Minister John Key is shown standing on a large pile of money as part of the graph (2015)
Shows man showing a farmer (Federated Farmers) a farm that has recently been sold to overseas buyers. The man tells the farmer "Don't worry they can't take the land away". The farmer replies "Just the income stream". The farm has a stream running through it which resembles a dollar sign. In the foreground is a police officer.
Cartoon depicts a garden centre full of ferns run by National Party Prime Minister John Key who is bellowing at frightened shoppers "You need to man-up and choose a FERN!" refers to a flag competition and referendum.
Cartoon depicts 'New Flag Designs' all indicating the word and symbols for sale and dollars.
Cartoon depicts a new version of a popular TV commercial "Ghost Chips' a crowd of Maori and Pacifica children labelled 'Poverty' saying to a ghost John Key "you know we can't touch your 'maybe-in-one-2017-ghost-tax-cuts' bro"
Cartoon depicts a face morph of Grant Robertson and Jacinda Ardern -entitled 'A new terror stalks the land' refers to new alliance between the two leaders.
Cartoon depicts a cow labelled 'Dairy Access' being dumped off the back of a jeep labelled 'TPP' in front of National Minister Tim Groser.
Map shows Australia surrounded by prison islands labelled Christmas Island - Nauru - New Zealand.
Cartoon..Cartoon shows three trick-o-treaters at Prime Minister John Key's front door. One is dressed as a homeless zombie, who asks for affordable housing. Behind him, a woman dressed as a witch holds up a tea cup and says, "Tea breaks!". Behind her, a man is dressed as a jobless ghost who say, "Real jobs!" The Prime Minister reels back in horror, and spills the bowl of candy.
Cartoon depicts David Cunliffe resigning as leader of the Labour Party by committing Hari-kari "At least our leadership contest is getting good media coverage"
Shows an advertisment for 'Acceptable Holidays for Politicians as suggested by Sunday hacks - War Zone Weekend in Gaza, Radioactive Rest Camp Fukushima, Flooded Farmstay'. With a 'Fixed Itinerary break - Ski Scott Base all winter, Crocodile live-bait camping, and open cast mine hotel year'..Alexander Turnbull Library.25 July 2014
Cartoon by Chris Slane representing high house prices in Auckland, and depicting the Auckland housing market in flames. Prime Minister John Key says, “I’m very relaxed. The market will cool demand”
Cartoon by Chris Slane depicting Prime Minister John Key and Housing Minister Nick Smith driving a rental house as if it were a motor vehicle. The house is clearly dilapidated, and the family living there has fallen out of the moving house as the politicians drive it down the road, oblivious to their plight. Smith asks, “What goes like stink, is cold, leaky, falling apart, has no WOF, but sells in a flash?” Key replies, “A rental?”
Shows the Labour Party leadership contest as the 'Hunger Games'. David Cunliffe is running away from a bees nest which is dropping to the ground. Cunliffe calls out to his wife "Quick get the smoke machine, Karen!". The nest has been kicked off a tree branch by David Shearer. In the same tree is Andrew Little is about to drop a bomb. Grant Robertson is about to shot an arrow. David Parker hides in the hollow of a log with a knife.