The Far Left
A graph depicts '% people' along an x-axis and '$' in the y-axis - the group of people where most wealth is distributed - a minorty atop a pile of cash and descibed as 'the centre-right' while the majority of people have the least wealth and are described as 'the far left'....Cartoon shows a graph made of money, representing the distribution of wealth in New Zealand. The 'far left' has low levels of wealth, where as the 'centre right', has a very high level of wealth. Prime Minister John Key is shown standing on a large pile of money as part of the graph (2015)
Author: Chris Slane
All Rights Reserved
Cartoon size: 6.6 Mpixels (19 MB uncompressed) - 3103x2142 pixels (10.3x7.1 in / 26.3x18.1 cm at 300 ppi)