Licensing cartoons on information, cyber-security, privacy, environment, education & politics.

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Cartoon depicts a young boy carrying a balloon and a ball into a study, walls lined with bookshelves. His bearded father sits re
Read The Room, Robert.

Cartoon depicts a young boy carrying a balloon and a ball into a study, walls lined with bookshelves. His bearded father sits reading a book without looking up "Read the room, Robert. I did."

Cartoon depicts two graphs depicted as piles of cash spent over recent economic history in New Zealand from 2008 to 2023. "Worst
Finance Minister Truthmaker Trail Movie

Cartoon depicts two graphs depicted as piles of cash spent over recent economic history in New Zealand from 2008 to 2023. "Worst finance minister in history!" Chris Luxon accuses Grant Robertson of being responsible for a mound of total crown expenses as a % of GDP around 2021. Signs include Covid, Ukraine, Cost of Living Crisis. He surprises Bill English who sits next to higher pile incurred after the 2008, signes read: GFC, tax cuts, (bailouts), austerity and Christchurch earthquakes. Box: Source Treasury data 1972-2022, PREFU 2023 ) Cartoon was based on a graph: ( That graph used figures from )

Cartoon depicts a young couple crossing an old bridge and a voice emerges from under it "You are worse than Hitler" Male comment
Ignore The Troll

Cartoon by Chris Slane depicts a young couple crossing an old bridge and a voice emerges from under it "You are worse than Hitler" Male comments to female: "Ignore the troll".

Cartoon depicts a farmer who has opened a box of chocolate as a reward for achieving lowered emissions from Fonterra. Two onlook
Nestle Incentive

Nestle offers sustainability incentives - news' Cartoon depicts a farmer who has opened a box of chocolate as a reward for achieving lowered emissions from Fonterra. Two onlooking cows - one says "We did all the work - where's ours?"

Maui-tikitiki-o-Taranga fishes up Te Ika-a-Maui  From the book  'Maui Legends of the Outcast- A Graphic Novel'  Design, Storyboa
Maui fishes up the great fish original art

Maui-tikitiki-o-Taranga fishes up Te Ika-a-Maui origial art 450mm high x 340mm wide

From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast- A Graphic Novel'


Maui Softback cover
Maui Softback cover

From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast- A Graphic Novel'
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.
Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.
48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996 ISBN: 0 908877 97 8
1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Russell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.

Bluffworld Cover
Bluffworld Cover

Book cover illustration by Chris Slane

Bluffworld Book Cover Art
Bluffworld Book Cover Art

Written by: Patrick Evans
Victoria University Press
ISBN : 9781776563111
Publication date : March 2021
Bind : Paperback
Language : English

Cartoon depicts a bare construction site with topsoil all scraped into a huge pile labelled WELFARE STATE. A developer's sign re

Cartoon depicts a bare construction site with topsoil all scraped into a huge pile labelled WELFARE STATE. A developer's sign reads: 'AUSTERITY DOWNS - A NAF DEVPT. '
PM Chris Luxon driving a bulldozer: "HUGE ACHIEVEMENT. IN 100 DAYS WE'VE SCRAPED OFF ALL THAT ANNOYING TOPSOIL." Refers to first 100 days of the new government agenda of cancelling many of the previous governments labour, social and environmental measures.

Cartoon: 'Farmers asked to look out for meteorites - news' Farmer man to farmer woman stading beside a crater with  a burning ho
Farmers look out for meteorites

Cartoon: 'Farmers asked to look out for meteorites - news' Farmer man to farmer woman stading beside a crater with a burning hot peice of carbon at the bottom: "Look Martha, this'll probably be worth more than the wool cheque."

Cartoon depicts a dilapidated brick building shaped like a book with birds perched on ledges and the sea eroding the foundations
The New Zealand Dictionary Building

Cartoon depicts a dilapidated brick building shaped like a book with birds perched on ledges and the sea eroding the foundations. It is labelled 'The New Zealand Dictionary' and there is a door at the bottom of the rounded spine. Scafolding for repairs seems to be abandoned.

Refers to article in NZListener 16 March 2024 'CAN WE HAVE A WORD? -
Puzzled by the meaning of something in a piece of local writing? You could look it up in a New Zealand dictionary. If there was one. - By Paul Little

Cartoon depicts a bearded man in a safari jacket and shorts chasing speech bubbles with a large net over a bank towards a river.
Catching Speech Bubbles

Cartoon depicts a bearded man in a safari jacket and shorts chasing speech bubbles with a large net over a bank towards a river.

Refers to article in NZListener 16 March 2024 'CAN WE HAVE A WORD? -
Puzzled by the meaning of something in a piece of local writing? You could look it up in a New Zealand dictionary. If there was one. - By Paul Little

Illustration depicts a taniwha erupting from a river threatening a Māori warrior armed with a greenstone club ( mere ) and a dic
Waka : Canoe, Vehicle

Illustration depicts a taniwha erupting from a river threatening a Māori warrior armed with a greenstone club ( mere ) and a dictionary held as a shield who is quoting the dfinition 'waka: n. canoe, vehicle, conveyance, trough, box..."

Refers to a Winston Peters comment “How can you have a waka on the road?”

Illustrates an article in NZListener 16 March 2024 'CAN WE HAVE A WORD? -
Puzzled by the meaning of something in a piece of local writing? You could look it up in a New Zealand dictionary. If there was one. - By Paul Little

"Drench resistance grows in cattle- News' Cartoon depicts a farmer drenching his cows. Standing in line is a man wearing a t-sh
Drench Resistance

"Drench resistance grows in cattle- News' Cartoon depicts a farmer drenching his cows. Standing in line is a man wearing a t-shirt with a logo saying "no jab' . "I still believe!" he says indicating to his mouth - he wants a dose of drench also.


Illustration depicts the Maui trapping the sun Tamanui-Te-Ra pages 42-43 in the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.
Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.
48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996 ISBN: 0 908877 97 8
1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.


Illustration depicts the Maui trapping the sun Tamanui-Te-Ra pages 42-43 in the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.
Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.
48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996 ISBN: 0 908877 97 8
1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.


Cartoon depicts Dipstick

Maori Loans
Maori Loans

Cartoon depicts Maori Loans

Whiskey Neat
Whiskey Neat

Cartoon depicts Whiskey Neat

Cartoon depicts Nippy asking "Baked beans again?"
Baked Beans

Cartoon depicts Nippy asking "Baked beans again?"

Cartoon depicts "PUT IT ALL ON BLUE!" Says Nicola Willis at a giant roulette table representing the economy.  ( Blue square is l

Cartoon depicts "PUT IT ALL ON BLUE!" Says Nicola Willis at a giant roulette table representing the economy.

( Blue square is labelled TAX CUTS. The croupier puts all her chips on to blue )

Other squares without chips are labelled


Cartoon depicts "No wool revolution sweeps hill country - news'. A very woolly shueep asks another sheep standing on a farm trac
No Wool Revolution

Cartoon depicts "No wool revolution sweeps hill country - news'. A very woolly shueep asks another sheep standing on a farm track with short wool fall off "Will you be going to the Golden Shears" "No just my annual wiltshire nudist convention."

Illustration depicts the effect of global warming on Wellington, the capital of new Zealand, Prime Minister's office the Beehive
Tropical Beehive

Illustration depicts the effect of global warming on Wellington, the capital of new Zealand, Prime Minister's office the Beehive.

Cartoon depicts Hand Of God touching the Beehive bulding containing the Prime Minister's office, Wellington, New Zealand - a cov
Hand Of God Beehive

Cartoon depicts Hand Of God touching the Beehive bulding containing the Prime Minister's office, Wellington, New Zealand - a cover illustration for NZ Listener

Cartoon depicts Luxon & Willis in a huge castle with flags looking down on a small family of peasants. Luxon: "Love to help but
Fragile In Our Castles

Cartoon depicts Luxon & Willis in a huge castle with flags looking down on a small family of peasants. Luxon: "Love to help but feeling quite fragile..."

Cartoon depicts a bbq with a Chris Luxon onion, a David Seymour chipolata sausage and a Winston Peters sausage finding the bbq h
Kiwi Cooker Waitangi

Cartoon depicts a bbq with a Chris Luxon onion, a David Seymour chipolata sausage and a Winston Peters sausage finding the bbq hot plate too hot. "Not full respect" says Luxon. "More respect!" says Winston Peters. "Hot! Hot! OW! OW! they all cry. BBQ brand name is 'Kiwi Cooker Waitangi BBQ'


"HEY. SHIT HAPPENS!" Says Bill English

New Political Terms


"HEY. SHIT HAPPENS!" Says Bill English

n. cancelling promises because of the economic situation.

n. when a government attacks it's working-class supporters.

n. being unable to blame it all on the government because you voted for them.

V. spraying an issue with excuses for not doing anything.

SCHADEN FRIEND In . when someone you know is made redundant by the government they voted for.

n. immunity from staff cuts.


PPP - outsourcing


Cartoon depicts Gimmie Those Glasses
Jamestown Cartoon Strip - Gimmie Those Glasses

Cartoon depicts Gimmie Those Glasses

Cartoon depicts Billy, Poker Machine
Jamestown Cartoon Strip - Poker Machine

Cartoon depicts Nippy & Poker Machine

Cartoon depicts a field of maize up north growing high and a small boy: "Wow amaizing!"( sic ). A farmer reading a newspaper wit
Amaizing Crop

Cartoon depicts a field of maize up north growing high and a small boy: "Wow amaizing!"( sic ). A farmer reading a newspaper with headlines 'Drought' 'Floods' commenting "This year it looks like we're in for a bumper crop..." "...of puns?" asks a female farmer. Refers to previous season of floods from cyclone Gabrielle, but uninterrupted in 2023-4 growth.

Cartoon depicts an urban-rural health services van stopped at a broken bridge, washed away by Cyclone Gabrielle the year before
Can we borrow your canoe?

Cartoon depicts an urban-rural health services van stopped at a broken bridge, washed away by Cyclone Gabrielle the year before and not yet repaired.. Title: . "Widening gap between rural and urban health-news'. A female medical worker leans out the window calling to a woman paddling across. "Can we borrow your canoe?". Refers to news story of a head nurse who still has to take her own canoe to travel to her workplace at a rural hospital.

Cartoon depicts a dog watching another dog running past dragging his exhausted owner by the lead "I'm his personal trainer."  20
Dog Personal Trainer

Cartoon depicts a dog watching another dog running past dragging his exhausted owner by the lead "I'm his personal trainer." 2011

Cartoon: The title reads 'Hell's Nannies'. ( A counter to the term 'Nanny State' used by conservatives to attack State services
Hell's Nannies State

Cartoon: The title reads 'Hell's Nannies'. ( A counter to the term 'Nanny State' used by conservatives to attack State services & benefits ) Prime Minister John Key and Minister of Social Development Paula Bennett and many other National MPs are dressed as 'nannies' in hats, pearls and big boots. Two young people are being stomped on by John Key and Paula Bennett. Context: The government plans to introduce a welfare payment card as part of its benefit reforms. Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is refusing to rule out extending the Government's newly proposed welfare payment card to adult beneficiaries. The payment cards to about 2600 young beneficiaries are intended to ensure their benefits are spent on essentials. 22 August 2011

Cartoon - CT leader Rodney Hide stands alone in the middle of a blasted plain that was once the 'Christchurch CBD' and says 'A l
Rodney Level Playing Field

Cartoon - CT leader Rodney Hide stands alone in the middle of a blasted plain that was once the 'Christchurch CBD' and says 'A level playing field, excellent. Now we can leave the rest to the market'. Context - Christchurch after the earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011. ACT explicitly promotes a free market philosophy - a (literal) level playing field in the Christchurch CBD sounds like an excellent opportunity to test the powers of the free market. 21 March 201

Acting Minister of Energy and Resources, Hekia Parata drives a wondrously rickety drilling machine on which are painted the word
Hekia's Tractor

Acting Minister of Energy and Resources, Hekia Parata drives a wondrously rickety drilling machine on which are painted the words 'Fossil Fuel "Shitty - Shitty Bang! Bang!"' Minister for Energy and Resources Gerry Brownlee puts his considerable weight behind the machine and Hekia Parata shouts 'Gerry I love our magic car that turns carbon into dolphins'. Context - The government is determined to continue exploring the environment for fossil fuels. Hekia Parata has expressed her disappointment at the action of Greenpeace protestors who disrupted the research programme being undertaken by Petrobras off the East Cape today (10 April). "Petrobras has been awarded a five year permit to explore what, if any, oil or gas prospects exist off the coast,'' Ms Parata says. (Beehive 10 April 2011)

Prime Minister John Key visits Google and asks  'Can you search for a "plan to get us out of this mess?"' Context: Key's governm
Key at Google

Prime Minister John Key visits Google and asks 'Can you search for a "plan to get us out of this mess?"' Context: Key's government seem to have few plans to grow the economy beyond bike ways and tax breaks for the wealthy. Larry Page, chief executive of Google, mounted a strong defence of the internet search company's controversial investment priorities as it reported earnings for the second quarter that revealed an unexpected surge in revenues. The company disclosed robust growth in its core search business in the three months to the end of June. Its shares jumped 12 per cent on the news in after-market trading, adding some $20bn to its stock market value.

Cartoon: Leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff stands before an array of bottles and containers of various potions like 'Vitalise
Goldielocks Goff

Cartoon: Leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff stands before an array of bottles and containers of various potions like 'Vitalise Polling Cream', 'Anti-aging Mid life crisis milk', 'Rogernome make up remover', 'Career Rejuvinate juice', 'Gaffe mouth-wash', and 'MP Remover - fast-acting'. He holds a bottle of 'Goldie Locks hair colour' and says 'Thanks Darren, you cost me another whole bottle!' Context - Phil Goff is doing badly in the polls and now Darren Hughes, who was a rising star has been forced to resign as Labour's chief whip after a sexual misconduct accusation. 4 April 2011

Cartoon- Prime Minister John Key sits on top of a bag of money labelled 'tax cuts for the rich' which rests in the battlements o
Fantasyland Tax Cuts

Cartoon- Prime Minister John Key sits on top of a bag of money labelled 'tax cuts for the rich' which rests in the battlements of a tall tower. He yells through a loud hailer at Leader of the Labour opposition Phil Goff saying 'You're living in a fantasy land!' On the ground below is Phil Goff holding a placard that reads 'Cut taxes to the workers!' In the background is a rainbow. Context - In his 'state of the nation' speech to kick off Labour's 2011 election campaign Goff said Labour would rebalance the tax system so that everyone pays their fair share. Under Labour New Zealanders will not pay tax on their first $5000 of income and the party will introduce a new top rate of tax for six-figure earners. John Key said "It's fiscally irresponsible, we live in New Zealand not fantasyland". (TVNZ 25 January 2011) Published in the Listener 29 January 2011

Cartoon depicts a smirking PM John Key having his ear tugged by Act's leader John Banks. "Go hard right, John. You know you want
Go hard right, John

Cartoon depicts a smirking PM John Key having his ear tugged by Act's leader John Banks. "Go hard right, John. You know you want to." 6/12/2011

Cartoon depicts a road side 'Garage sale' run by kids selling off their parent's things. Sign says: 'FARM TITLE', 'SOE' 
Bill En
State Asset Garage Sale

Cartoon depicts a road side 'Garage sale' run by kids selling off their parent's things. Sign says: 'FARM TITLE', 'SOE'
John key: " "Woo-Hoo! SUGAR HIGH."
Refers to sales of farms & state assets to foreign investors. 1/11/2011

Cartoon shows Prime Minister, John Key, standing sweating at a table in a casino as he tries to make a decision about where mone
Problem Gambler John Key

Cartoon shows Prime Minister, John Key, standing sweating at a table in a casino as he tries to make a decision about where money should be spent. The options on the table are the 'Rugby World Cup', a 'cycle way', 'GST', 'asset sales', 'mining in parks', the 'casino', 'Jackson films', 'cuts' to various budgets, 'oil drilling', and 'financial hub'. An observer whispers to his companion 'Problem gambler'.

Context - The government's attempts to balance the budget and try to manage debt during the economic downturn and specifically a decision by the government that Sky City in Auckland be allowed to put more gambling machines in the new conference centre in spite of a growing awareness of the dangers of gambling adictions.

Tax Cuts Fire! Fire!
Tax Cuts Fire! Fire!

Prime Minister John Key grins cheerfully as he sets fire to a bonfire made of banknotes that represent 'tax-cuts'; he yells 'Fire! Fire!' and in the next breath says 'Sell some assets!' On the other side of the fire is Finance Minister Bill English who is forking more banknotes onto it. Context - The parlous state of the economy; tax cuts were made in the last budget but then cancelled out by raising GST thus creating a general rise in the cost of living. John Key is now considering selling state owned assets - selling off the family silver.

Prime Minister John Key and Stephen Joyce sit on top of a huge sack that represents 'Tax cut$ for top 10% with glasses of champa
Minimum Wage Burden

Prime Minister John Key and Stephen Joyce sit on top of a huge sack that represents 'Tax cut$ for top 10% with glasses of champagne in their hands. The sack is being borne on the backs of dozens of workers. Down below Leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff wields a pair of scissors and threatens to cut the sack so that there can be a 'minimum wage increase' of '$2'. Don Brash squeeks 'EEEEEEK!' and John Key says 'That's an enormungous burden on the economy'. Context - Leader of the Labour opposition, Phil Goff, says the PM is spending $2.5 billion a year on tax cuts for the country's top earners but is only prepared to raise the minimum wage up 50 cents to $12.50 an hour. Phil Goff promises a $2 rise in the minimum wage if Labour is elected to parliament in the November election. 27 May 2011

Prime Minister John Key drives a tractor to which is attached a crane and a huge demolition ball in the shape of MP Gerry Brownl
Brownlee Wrecking Ball

Prime Minister John Key drives a tractor to which is attached a crane and a huge demolition ball in the shape of MP Gerry Brownlee's head; the ball smashes against a historic building bringing stone pediments down. Context - Gerry Brownlee, who is Earthquake Recovery Minister, has caused a stir by suggesting that if he had his way some of Christchurch's older buildings would be "down tomorrow". He also said the price of saving some historic buildings badly damaged in the February 22 earthquake was too high. 2011

Cartoon depicts Act leader Don Brash floating along high on a large joint labelled 'Libertarian Beliefs". Refers to his calls fo
Libertarian Waccy-Baccy Belief

Cartoon depicts Act leader Don Brash floating along high on a large joint labelled 'Libertarian Beliefs". Refers to his calls for the decriminalisation of cannabis. He said prohibition of the drug hasn't worked, and policing it costs millions of tax payer dollars and clogs up the court system. Same is better applied to most monetarist libertarian policies.
Context: 2011

Fresh Blood Fresh Brains
Fresh Blood Fresh Brains

Former National Party leader Don Brash rises as a vampire from his tomb and grabs ACT leader Rodney Hide by the throat. The headstone for the tomb features a statue of Roger Douglas and bears the words 'Lest we forget - Rogernomics'. Don Brash says 'ACT needs fresh blood and I need fresh brains...' Context - Don Brash has ousted Rodney Hide from the leadership of the ACT Party and taken over the role himself. Roger Douglas is now an ACT MP but is famous (or infamous, depending on you point of view) for his monetarist market forces economic reforms, dubbed Rogernomics, when he was Minister of Finance in David Lange's Labour government in 1984. Don Brash is very committed to similar thinking on economics policies.

Alexander Turnbull Library

Illustration depicts Māori performer Billy T James on stage while behind the curtains money is blowing around. 2011
Billy T James on stage

Illustration depicts Māori performer Billy T James on stage while behind the curtains money is blowing around. 2011

Cartoon depicts a scene wintry inspired by A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens. National finance minister Bill En
Ebenezer Scrooge Bill English

Cartoon depicts a scene wintry inspired by A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens. National finance minister Bill English is dressed as Scrooge. Pita Sharples & Tariana Turia are cap in hand, as two wild and ragged children begging : "Please head our committee to end poverty, Mister Ebenezer English, sir." 2011