Licensing cartoons on information, cyber-security, privacy, environment, education & politics.

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Cartoon depicts a farm 4 wheel bike powered by batteries - 'EATV - the next classic kiwi farm vehicle' cheaper to run #8 wire adaptable - durable -fixable - safe -quiet - green -low centre of gravity -great torque - tired batteries go to home solar -plant recycling old into new - charge on the farm.

The Blair Sheep Project
The Blair Sheep Project

Cartoon depicts a spooky campfire scene in a dark forest at night - 4 sheep sit on logs as one says "Evil trees swallowed up all the pastoral land leaving only the bones of lost sheep"

Sheep Farm Auction
Sheep Farm Auction

Cartoon depicts a roadside auction for a sheep farm 'News- carbon cap rises to $70' "Ok what am I bid for this prime pasture lot? $5 million" says a sheep farmer -"$6 million" saysa forestry owner "baaa!" says a sheep dressed in farmer's clothes.

Farm Worker Arrivals
Farm Worker Arrivals

Cartoon depicts cattle run at the airport with Minister Faafoi selected visitors for farming. 'News: residency visa fast-tracked'

Cartoon shows a farmer tearful after reading the Climate Commission recommendations to reduce livestock emissions "That's it - f
Farming Is Doomed (Not)

Cartoon shows a farmer tearful after reading the Climate Commission recommendations to reduce livestock emissions "That's it - farming is doomed!!" while nearby oil rig worker offshore exclaims "Huh?"


Cartoon shows NZ Fish and Game head Grubb casting a line hook with a carrot on the hook as an appeal to work with farmers over fresh water quality.


Cartoon depicts rural businessmen enviously eyeing unlocked down Australia - FOMOO 'OD - fear of missing out on overseas deals - as Australian hospitals overflow with covid cases.

Fonterra Sailing
Fonterra Sailing

Cartoon shows New Zealand's America's Cup yacht catamaran sailing to a win with the head office of Fonterra behind with speech bubbles saying "We did it team - go us! The wind is really behind our backs now" "Turn off the TV Miles"

Climate Forecast - Next 10 years
Climate Forecast - Next 10 years

Cartoon depicts a map of New Zealand divided in two halves by a red line West -rain & floods - east - fire & drought.


Cartoon shows

Greenhouse Races
Greenhouse Races

Cartoon depicts a horse race called 'Greenhouse Gas Reduction Races' with a New Zealand farmer riding a cow labelled 'NZ'saying to his mount "Now's not the time to be a fast follower Minnie" as horses labelled 'UK' and 'USA' threaten to catch up.

Farmers Day Parade 2030
Farmers Day Parade 2030

Cartoon depicts 'Farmers' Day Parade 2030' with carnival floats full of happy farmers, rural people & interest groups celebrating reaching carbon neutrality with signs reading 'We did it' 'Cleaner waterways' 'Better Fishing' EV-ATVs' Carbon neutral sheep & beef 'Low nitrates' 'Greenest farms in the world' 'More customers - more farmers' 'Better Brands - higher payouts' 'World Leaders of regenerative farming' to applause from onlookers. Inspired by

Hunting Pests Sequesters Carbon.
Hunting Pests Sequesters Carbon.

Cartoon depicts a farmer going deer hunting as another farmer asks "So what are you after -deer -goats - pigs -wallabies?" He answers "All of them - just doing my bit for the climate mate." Subtitle 'Pest control helps sequester carbon -Forest & Bird' Ref-

Kombucha For Cows
Kombucha For Cows

Cartoon depicts a farmer spraying cow pats with kombucha while a cow says "He heard that Kombucha removes toxic bacteria - so no telling where he'll put it next"

Laser Mandalorian
Laser Mandalorian

Cartoon shows Bobba Fett guarding grapes firing off laser pointers with a farmer telling his mate "The neighbour's using lasers to keep birds away but this guy is way cheaper.”

Lockdown Roundup
Lockdown Roundup

Cartoon depicts New Zealanders being herded into lockdown in response to covid outbreak in a manner akin to 'A Dog's Show' television show.

Low Emission Breeds
Low Emission Breeds

Cartoon depicts

Farmers Weekly
Farmers Weekly


Farming Predictions
Farming Predictions

Cartoon shows farmer pondering a forecast from weather agency NIWA - "Simple then - just plan for floods fire hail drought and typhoons"

Cartoon show farmer driving a 30 year old ute with people riding on the back "Buy a new ute? Nah this one still owes me another
New Ute?

Cartoon show farmer driving a 30 year old ute with people riding on the back "Buy a new ute? Nah this one still owes me another 30 years yet"


Cartoon depicts a dairy farmer accepting higher income but also higher costs as a line of men labelled 'Fertiliser' 'Transport & 'Labour' take their slice.

Farmers Weekly
Farmers Weekly


Potty-trained Cows
Potty-trained Cows

Cartoon depicts Potty-trained cows are the obvious choice this week!

Rabobank Lends A Hand
Rabobank Lends A Hand

Cartoon references story on Rabobanks new sustainability manager - it appears banks etc are taking an active interest in getting farmers up to speed on enviro regulations as it's good for business. Maybe we could have a bank manager helping plant a wetland? not sure..

River Science
River Science

Cartoon depicts a river with two groups on either side - a river interest group is arguing the science with council science officers 'River users discuss the science of water quality in a constructive manner' while fish laugh on.

Rural Salesmen
Rural Salesmen

Cartoon depicts afarmer taking envelopes from his letter box accosted by salesmen for fertiliser, feed, tractors and water gear.

Cartoon depicts shears working in a shed. One of the sheep says "it's not as fancy but I'm just grateful to get any haircut". Ne
Golden shears cancelled

Cartoon depicts shears working in a shed. One of the sheep says "it's not as fancy but I'm just grateful to get any haircut". News tag: 'Golden shears cancelled...'

Shot Bro Cow
Shot Bro Cow

Cartoon depicts a cow dispensing covid vaccine to rural folk - 'Better Access to vaccine for rural folk - news - "Seems fair" says a farmer rolling up his sleeve.

Solar Farm Sheep
Solar Farm Sheep

Cartoon depicts two sheep charging their smart phones from a solar panel array "Thank goodness for this farm - my phone charge was down to 2%"


Cartoon depicts a politician outside a farm holding a sign saying sustainability, and a person in an EU flag suit holding a sign saying, 'what they said'. ( Many farmers think it's just the Govt pushing for reform but we're finding it's our customers who're asking for these changes as well and there's value to be had there. Processors like Silver Fern Farms are bringing in programmes to capitalise on this. )

The Govermnt is coming for your water
The Govermnt is coming for your water

Cartoon depicts a farmer surrounding a cattle water trough with electric fencing talking to his puzzled cows "The govmnt is coming for your water girls but not on my watch"

Cartoon depicts John Key wearing shorts
John Key on his iphone

Cartoon depicts John Key wearing shorts

Moments Of Truth Book Cover
Moments Of Truth Book Cover

Moments of Truth: The New Zealand General Election of 2014
ISBN 10: 1776560493 ISBN 13: 9781776560493
Publisher: Victoria University Press, 2016
Johansson, Jon (EDT); Levine, Stephen (EDT)
Features John Key, Judith Collins,Kim Dotcom, Cameron Slater, Nicky Hager,

Cartoon depicts the decapitated head of a sheep exiting a shearing shed at speed exclaiming "Learner!"

Cartoon depicts the decapitated head of a sheep exiting a shearing shed at speed exclaiming "Learner!"

Aotearoa - Land of the long white cloud
Aotearoa - Land of the long white cloud

Cartoon depicts New Zealand covered with sheep.

Illustration depicts Santa Face With Sheep
Santa Face With Sheep

Illustration depicts Santa Face With Sheep

Bailed Up
Bailed Up

Cartoon depicts

Cartoon depicts hikers drinking thirstily from a country water hole unaware that a dead sheep is rotting upstream
Dead Sheep Upstream,

Cartoon depicts hikers drinking thirstily from a country water hole unaware that a dead sheep is rotting upstream

Judo Sheep
Judo Sheep

Cartoon depicts a Judo Sheep

Sheep Thrills Book Cover
Sheep Thrills Book Cover

Sheep Thrills
Author: Chris Slane
Cartoons: Chris Slane
Random House 1989 ISBN 1-86954-004-2
48pp colour/black & white
Out of print

Cartoon depicts Prime Minister Christopher Luxon labouring to fill potholes on a long country road. Two farmers leaning on a fen
99 Days Left

Cartoon depicts Prime Minister Christopher Luxon labouring to fill potholes on a long country road. Two farmers leaning on a fence are watching Luxon. One says "Better hurry up Chris. Only 99 days left." Refers to list of National Party's 100 day priorities.

Swine Flu Flying
Swine Flu Flying

Cartoon depicts flying pigs coming into NZ concerns over the possible worldwide spread of African Swine Fever in pigs, MPI is monitoring the situation. 'MPI monitoring global spread of African Swine Fever - News'

Excerpt depicts Maui stealing fire from his grandmother Murirangwhenua, an excerpt from the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
Maui steals fire

Excerpt depicts Maui stealing fire from his grandmother Murirangwhenua, an excerpt from the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan

Illustration depicts Maui

From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.

Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.

48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996


9 781869 620066

1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.

Maui Throws A Rock - Detail
Maui Throws A Rock - Detail

Illustration depicts Maui throwing a stone. Excerpt from Maui: Legends Of The Outcast - A Graphic Novel
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan

Each day Maui waited for sunset when Taranga returned, carrying a basket of food. Maui grew impatient to know where his bother w
Each day Maui waited for sunset - Detail

Each day Maui waited for sunset when Taranga returned, carrying a basket of food. Maui grew impatient to know where his bother went each day. Excerpt from Maui: Legends Of The Outcast - A Graphic Novel
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan

Maui as a fly. Excerpt from Maui: Legends Of The Outcast - A Graphic Novel By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Maui as a fly - Detail.

Maui as a fly. Excerpt from Maui: Legends Of The Outcast - A Graphic Novel
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan

Illustration depicts Maui meeting his grandmother Murirangwhenua from the book 'Maui Illustration depicts Maui  From the book 'M
Maui Meets Murirangwhenua

Illustration depicts Maui meeting his grandmother Murirangwhenua

Illustration depicts Maui

From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.

Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.

48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996


9 781869 620066

1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.

Sheep Thrills
Sheep Thrills

Author: Chris Slane
Cartoons: Chris Slane
Random House 1989 ISBN 1-86954-004-2
48pp colour/black & white
Out of print