Licensing cartoons on information, cyber-security, privacy, environment, education & politics.

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Illustration depicts the Maui trapping the sun Tamanui-Te-Ra pages 42-43 in the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'  By Chris Sla
Maui trapping the sun p43

Illustration depicts the Maui trapping the sun Tamanui-Te-Ra pages 42-43

Illustration depicts Maui

From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.

Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.

48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996


9 781869 620066

1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.

Illustration depicts the Maui trapping the sun Tamanui-Te-Ra pages 42-43 in the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'  By Chris Sla
Maui trapping the sun p42

Illustration depicts the Maui trapping the sun Tamanui-Te-Ra pages 42-43 in the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.
Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.
48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996 ISBN: 0 908877 97 8
1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.


Illustration depicts Maui  From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'  By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan Design, Storyboards, Pe
Maui: Legends Of The Outcast - A Graphic Novel

Cover of Maui: Legends Of The Outcast - A Graphic Novel
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Illustration depicts Maui

From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.

Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.

48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996


9 781869 620066

1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.

Excerpt depicts the birth of Maui pp02 Illustration depicts Maui  From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'  By Chris Slane &
Bury The Dead Properly

Excerpt depicts the birth of Maui pp02
Illustration depicts Maui

From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.

Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.

48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996


9 781869 620066

1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.

Illustration depicts the birth of Maui pp02-03 excerpt Illustration depicts Maui  From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'  B
Bury The Dead Properly

Illustration depicts the birth of Maui pp02-03 excerpt

Illustration depicts Maui

From the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan
Design, Storyboards, Pencils, Inks, Lettering, Colours: Chris Slane.
Script: Robert Sullivan.

Colours: Jonathan Paynter, Bill Paynter.
Technical Direction and Fonts: Bill Paynter.

48 pp colour Hardback
Godwit Publishing, New Zealand
© 1996


9 781869 620066

1997 Finalist LIANZA Children's Book Awards, Rusell Clark Medal, 1997 NZLA Young People's Non-Fiction Award.

Illustration depicts Maui  wishing for eternal life. from the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'  By Chris Slane & Robert Sulliv

Illustration depicts Maui wishing for eternal life.
from the book 'Maui Legends of the Outcast'
By Chris Slane & Robert Sullivan

Cartoon depicts NZ PM Christopher Luxon as tDr Seuss's The Grinch appearing in a chimney to steal presents from sleeping childre
Luxon The Grinch

Cartoon depicts NZ PM Christopher Luxon as tDr Seuss's The Grinch appearing in a chimney to steal presents from sleeping children. "Sorry Kids, I need all these for our poor, poor landlords. Gifts are labelled 'Fair Pay' 'Free prescriptions' 'Te Reo Signs' 'RMA Reforms' 'Worker Rights' 'Jobs'. Refers to cost cutting and other measures to claw back savings for tax cuts allowing landlords to deduct mortgage interest costs they pay on rental income retrospectively, in effect a reverse Robin Hood” tax move that would enrich the 346 largest landlords by nearly $500 million over five years." - Council of Trade Unions’ economist Craig Renney.

Cartoon depicts National Party Prime Minister of New Zealand's 3 party coalition dressed as a clown wearing long shoes as he is
Cluxon The Clown

Cartoon depicts National Party Prime Minister of New Zealand's 3 party coalition dressed as a clown wearing long shoes as he is tripping over the skull of smokers ( refers to plans to cancel the smokefree target and repeal legislation). Luxon's head has struck a bee's nest labelled 'Tiriti O Waitangi' from which angry bees fly to sting him on the ass. His top hat falls off labelled '7 Houses'. He is about to fall face first into budget custard while crying profuse clown tears "Why can't I get a break?" he whimpers plaintively.

Cartoon depicts newNational Party agriculture minister Todd McClay clay pigeon shooting with each target signifying a policy the
The Great McClay Pigeon Shoot

Cartoon depicts newNational Party agriculture minister Todd McClay clay pigeon shooting with each target signifying a policy they are considering getting rid of .

Freshwater Standards
Methane targets
Ute tax
Resource Management Act

Bystander: Um Todd, "who is picking up the pieces?"
Heading: 'The Great McClay Pigeon Shoot'

Cartoon depicts a cigarette packet open at a bach label says "NOT smoking may endanger the wealth of our tax cuts" 'NACTNZF coal
Not Smoking

Cartoon depicts a cigarette packet open at a bach label says "NOT smoking may endanger the wealth of our tax cuts" 'NACTNZF coalition' Yachts cruise a blue sea.

Cartoon depicts a tank blasting Gaza to pieces commanded by Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. He turns to an embarra
How you fight terrorism?

Cartoon depicts a tank blasting Gaza to pieces commanded by Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. He turns to an embarrassed Uncle Sam standing near the old ruins of Afghanistan & Iraq, saying "This is how you fight terrorism right, Uncle?"

Cartoon depicts two cows with 'judge' written on their T-shirts viewing a computer screen. A website is called f
BumbleBulls Dating

Cartoon depicts two cows with 'judge' written on their T-shirts viewing a computer screen. A website is called featuring a photo of a bull named 'Arapuni Pride'. Love heart icons float above the cows. Headline: 'NZ bull wins champion of the world - news'

Cartoon depicts two farmers standing in  a flooded field while it rains heavily. "App says El Niño is coming soon" says one look
App says El Niño is coming

Cartoon depicts two farmers standing in a flooded field while it rains heavily. "App says El Niño is coming soon" says one looking at his phone. The other replies "Well, he better bring his raincoat".

Relates to a story about farmers in the wider Gisborne area facing another wet summer with huge rainfall over the weekend. They are now hoping El Niño will arrive soon.

Cartoon depicts a woman sitting at her desk. On her screen is 'Customer Card Data'. Her thought bubble includes 2 options' a rub
Security Thought

Cartoon depicts a woman sitting at her desk. On her screen is 'Customer Card Data'. Her thought bubble includes 2 options' a rubbish bin icon says 'Delete this data after use?" A padlock character says "Or secure the data".

Security Decision
Security Decision



Phone wrapped in barbed wire

Disembodied eyes
Disembodied eyes

Disembodied eyes float above a featureless plain, monitoring the people below.

China Returns Plastic
China Returns Plastic

"Thanks but no thanks - China" is the label on a stack of plastic rubbish - relates to China's refusal to take more waste materials from New Zealand - "Damn Greenies" cries one householder to the delivery man.

Political Puppet Theatre
Political Puppet Theatre
Holden & the Fast Followers
Holden & the Fast Followers

Holden drives off a cliff followed by other combustion engine vehicles.

Wash Hands Well
Wash Hands Well

Cartoon shows germs being washed off hands all saying "Bugger"

Dirty Hitchhikers
Dirty Hitchhikers

Cartoon show germs with packs standing on a door handle with thumb out calling "Give us a lift to work mate?" Don’t give ‘em a lift - wash your hands of them.

QAnon Rabbit Hole
QAnon Rabbit Hole

Cartoon shows a man down a rabbit hole asking a rabbit "Qanon?!"

Life rafts
Life rafts

Cartoon concept

Random Money Drop
Random Money Drop


Hate Lockdowns
Hate Lockdowns

Cartoon depicts

CEO Strike
CEO Strike

Cartoon depicts

Pianos on bikes
Pianos on bikes

Cartoon depicts a traffic jam of SUV Utes carrying pianos "Cycleways are ridiculous! How will we move our pianos?"

Santa's Supply Chain
Santa's Supply Chain
Shed/Garage Types
Shed/Garage Types

The types who hang out in sheds contemplating going gangs probably :-)

Cone Dog
Cone Dog

Cartoon depicts Wayne Brown throwing out road cones to distract voters.

Sunlight For Trolls
Sunlight For Trolls

Cartoon depicts a woman pulling back curtains saying '"sunlight is the best disinfectant" while Posie Parker replies "Not for trolls - we feed on the spotlight"

EVs 4 Rich People
EVs 4 Rich People

Green Party policies are ridiculous say two National Party MPs with EVs purchased using the Clean Car Discount

Cartoon depicts a broken brodge labelled 'ETS' ( Emisions Trading Scheme ) Man lookacross to other bank labelled 'Low Carbon Fut
Recycle Harder

Cartoon depicts a broken brodge labelled 'ETS' ( Emisions Trading Scheme ) Man lookacross to other bank labelled 'Low Carbon Future' and says "Can we get there if we recycled harder?"The bridge has been wiped out by logs labelled 'Offsetting with pine trees'.

CyberSec concept sketch
CyberSec concept sketch


Craig leaps
Craig leaps

Shows Colin Craig, artificial halo in place, jumping over John Banks, spread-eagled in the mud. Craig is saying 'don't worry Epsom. I'll save you!'

As John Banks, the leader of ACT sinks into the mire of the Kim Dotcom affair, Colin Craig and the Conservative Party, which is polling higher than ACT, becomes a possibility to take over the role of minor partner in the National coalition government - so long as the Conservatives are gifted the original ACT seat of Epsom.

Cartoon depicts an almighty arm emerging from the clouds, holding John Banks in the palm of his hand. A voter box sits on a plat
On The Eighth Day

Cartoon depicts an almighty arm emerging from the clouds, holding John Banks in the palm of his hand. A voter box sits on a platform labelled Epsom. Title: 'On the eighth day John Banks admits creationist views...' "I can't say who's giving me a hand. He prefers to remain anonymous." 27 August 2012

Context: Associate Education Minister, John Banks has declared himself a fundamentalist Christian who believes the world was created in six days, as stated in the bible. In April 2012, it was alleged that a $15,000 donation from SkyCity and two $25,000 cheques from German millionaire Kim Dotcom were illegally reported as anonymous campaign donations, but Auckland police deemed there to be insufficient evidence to prosecute Banks. (New Zealand Police News Centre, 26 July 2012)

Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key sweating on his 'Planet Key' golf course as he tries to escape the 'mega political black
Mega Political Black Hole

Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key sweating on his 'Planet Key' golf course as he tries to escape the 'mega political black hole' which suggests a world out of control. In the centre of the 'mega political black hole' is the grinning face of Kim Dotcom and around him spin the heads of a policeman' a spy representing the 'GCSB' and possibly an American representing the law. Context: Refers to the Dotcom affair. The United States is trying to extradite Kim Dotcom, who has New Zealand residency, for copyright infringement. He was arrested illegally by the police and has since been illegally spied upon by the GCSB (New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau).

Cartoon depicts Minister Of Welfare Paula Bennett with  an IT man who says "We've beefed up security on the self-help kiosks lik
Self-Help Kiosk Meltdown

Cartoon depicts Minister Of Welfare Paula Bennett with an IT man who says "We've beefed up security on the self-help kiosks like you asked Minister". The kiosk is waving it's robotic arms wildly and is shouting "Danger Danger! Kill all humans!" Paper pages printing out are labelled with 'Smear'

Context: 'Editorial: MSD breach shakes confidence
Oct 17 2012
When Social Development Minister Paula Bennett unveiled plans for a comprehensive database of vulnerable children, she promised rigorous measures to ensure their details would be kept safe.

That commitment lies in tatters after the massive information security breach at her ministry.'

Who was that masked man?
Who was that masked man?

Cartoon depicts two farmers holding booklets labelled 'EU Trade Deal' "Who was that masked Man?" "Some rare old bird*' Damien O'Connor

Two politicians stand in a tree having chainsawed off limbs labelled hospitals nurses public service police leaving foliage  for
Economic Tree Pruning

Two politicians stand in a tree having chainsawed off limbs labelled hospitals nurses public service police leaving foliage for just those at the top - one privileged man happily says "Pruning is really helping growth up here"

Cartoon depicts a scene from Pink Floyd's The Wall movie with PM John Key holding two axes in froont of a wall where raffitti sa
The Wall - Education Cuts

Cartoon depicts a scene from Pink Floyd's The Wall movie with PM John Key holding two axes in front of a wall where raffitti says 'We don't need no education' Key says "I've already got mine". Context: 'The Prime Minister is refusing to apologise to parents and teachers over the Government's botched education reforms. John Key admits it made a mistake, but that's as far he'll go.'


Voters take a ride of the Phantom Politician Fear-Monger train - along which frights are given by refugees claiming sanctuary- tax men demanding money - solo mothers demanding wlefare money. ..Subtitle: 'Scary rides for conservatives.' 2012

Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key with a large nose as mini engineers unplug cables from his brain. One says "Orders from
John key's Brain Fade

Cartoon depicts Prime Minister John Key with a large nose as mini engineers unplug cables from his brain. One says "Orders from upstairs - cut I.T. costs" 26 October 2012.

Context: John Key sat through a briefing on the Kim Dotcom case just weeks after the high-profile raid but says he completely forgot about it - a change to the story he gave Parliament days previously.

The admission from the Prime Minister came after he blamed "brain fade" at the Government Communications Security Bureau for illegal spying on Mr Dotcom.