Licensing cartoons on information, cyber-security, privacy, environment, education & politics.

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Cyber Security Pie Graph
Cyber Security Pie Graph

Two office workers regard a pie graph labelled 'Expenditure' "It will be far easier to justify better security after a massive data breach."

Loyalty Card
Loyalty Card

Shop assistant warns customer of loyalty card tracking...loyalty,card,customer,shop,tracking,monitoring,data,collection,surveilance,

Carbon Offset Your Flight
Carbon Offset Your Flight

"Releasing carbon off-setting seeds now..." announces the captain of large jet airliner as bomb bay doors open to drop millions of tiny seeds.

Restorative Justice Guillotine
Restorative Justice Guillotine

"Why don't we look at a system of restorative justice?" asks a female member of the gentry as she is being led to a guillotine by an angry peasant.

After The Holidays
After The Holidays

"Fresh and eager for another year then?" asks a man at the office to a recent arrival dressed for the beach carrying a cooler or chilly bin.

Businessmen In Hell
Businessmen In Hell

"Smart idea to book a corporate box" says one fat business man to another as they watch demons below torment sinners of a lower class.

Will Work For Likes
Will Work For Likes

'Will work for likes' says the sign next to a geeky guy sitting disillusioned on a city street begging for donations.

Workstation Promotes Activity
Workstation Promotes Activity

"We've designed a new workstation which promotes physical activity" says a male employer to a female as they watch a male office worker running frantically in a mouse wheel standing desk while typing on a keyboard with a screen.

Caveman Holiday Pictures
Caveman Holiday Pictures

Cave woman says to a caveman painting a mastodon hunt scene on a cave wall "Not posting more holiday pics?"

I don't buy newspapers.
I don't buy newspapers.

"I don't buy newspapers anymore - rage and arguing with strangers takes up all my time" says a angry white male sittting at a table typing on a laptop in a cafe to a woman drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.

Lawyers Are Circling
Lawyers Are Circling

"Uh-oh lawyers are ircling' cries a frightened man in the street as lawyers float high in the sky above a cirtyscape like vultures...lawyers,circling,cfear,law,solicitors,cirtyscape,vultures,disaster,victims,tragedy,

Longer Sentences on Billboards
Longer Sentences on Billboards

A political billboard reads 'Vote for longer sentences on billboards' while the face of a male politician beams down belligerently.

A political billboard reads 'Vote for longer sentences on billboards' while the face of a male poltician beams down belligerentl
Longer Sentences on Billboards

A political billboard reads 'Vote for longer sentences on billboards' while the face of a male politician beams down belligerently.

Law Firm Pay Review
Law Firm Pay Review

Law Firm Pay Review.."Miss Smith - perhaps you'd like to explain to the partners in your own words why you think you deserve a second pay rise in ten years" says a senior male partner in a law firm in a panelled boardroom full of male lawyers...women,pay,wages,salary,salaries,equity,men,women,payscale,board,legal,firm,partners,

Santa Powers
Santa Powers

One reindeer says to another "Claims he needs extra powers for finding who's been funny or nice" Santa sits on a sleigh packed with high-tech surveillance gear.

Megaphone Truth
Megaphone Truth


In, Delay, Out
In, Delay, Out

An official sits smugly behind a desk with trays marked 'In', 'Delay' and 'Out'.

Dragon Hoarder Of Files
Dragon Hoarder Of Files

Hobbit entering dragon cave annouces: "I'm from the Ombudsman's office."..ombudsman,office,data,privacy,information,access,official,government,public,freedom,FOI,request,records,code,dragon,cartoon,..

Man meets a solid wall labelled 'Bureaucracy'.
Man meets a solid wall labelled 'Bureaucracy'.
Treasure Chest of Official Information
Treasure Chest of Official Information

Treasure Chest of Official Information is opened by a crowbar labelled ombudsman.

Dragon Hoarder Of Files- FOI
Dragon Hoarder Of Files- FOI

Hobbit entering dragon cave announces: "I have an official information request."

Santa Frankenstein
Santa Frankenstein

Elf calls for help as Santa adds a brain to a corpse in his lab.

Wise Whistleblower Monkey
Wise Whistleblower Monkey

'Hear no evil' 'See no evil' 'Whistleblower' - 3 wise monkeys.

Cave Of Official Information
Cave Of Official Information

The magic word was 'Ombudsman' says Ali Baba to his friend in the newly opened Cave of Official Information.

Screen Protector
Screen Protector

Executive woman on a train advises a male executive wearing his jacket over his head and laptop - "You really should get a screen-protector" - caption is 'Don't bury your head about data protection'

Telescope Eye
Telescope Eye

A giant alien eye looks in from outer space tinto a telescope in an observatory at an alarmed scientist.

Director Of Diversity
Director Of Diversity

“Everybody - please welcome our new director of diversity” a female stands alone in a board room full of surprised male office executives.

Catalog Preview
Catalog Preview
Grown Alike
Grown Alike

Two elderly people work next to each other dressed the same and looking like twins -“I love how our interests have grown so alike over the years, Mildred” says the man to his wife whio is wearing a moustach.

Right To Know Wizard of Oz
Right To Know Wizard of Oz
Privacy Is Dead
Privacy Is Dead

'Privacy is dead' reads a placard held by a man on a street corner and a passerby replies "Take off all your clothes then."

Distraction From Other Distraction
Distraction From Other Distraction

"It's all a distraction from the other other distraction attempting to distract us from last week's bullshit thing" claims a furious man sitting with a woman watching a news show on his widescreen television.

4WDs use the berm
4WDs use the berm

The solution to traffic congestion - let 4wds use grass berms and gutters.


Man sitting on column typing is about to be hit by a wrecking all labelled 'The Reputation Wrecker.'..ball, breach, cartoon, confidential, data, disclosure, information, leak, loss, personal, Privacy, private, protection, release, reputation, secure, security, spill, unintentional, wrecking

Sharing Work
Sharing Work

apps, Cartoon, metadata, poster, privacy, retro, social media, soviet, robots,automation, workplace, redundancy, digital, economy,unemployment..A retro-soviet-style propaganda poster shows man working under the threat of replacement by a robot - caption reads 'Sharing work'

Gaseous Cow
Gaseous Cow

Illustration of a cow as a vat of bubbling gases.

'If Computers Were Houses'  Spies invading a family's home say "You read a lot of books don't you - "You watch a lot of foreign
If Computers Were Houses

'If Computers Were Houses' Spies invading a family's home say "You read a lot of books don't you - "You watch a lot of foreign movies" - They have fertiliser in the shed" - "Writing a lot of emails to people overseas are we?"- "Look- a copy of the Koran" - "Don't mind us we're just having a look around" 2013

Big Data Loves U
Big Data Loves U

A retro-soviet-style propaganda poster shows man rejoicing in the love he imagines an all-seeing eye hovering above is bestowing upon him - caption reads 'Big Data Loves You'

Sheddie - what I actually do.
Sheddie - what I actually do.

What society thinks I do ( Shaker carpenter ).What the neighbours think I do ( gong ringer ).What my friends think I do ( Breaking bad chemist ).What my partner thinks I do ( sleeping in workshop ).What I think I do ( CERN physicist ).What I actually do. ( hit thumb with hammer )

The Big Chuck-out
The Big Chuck-out

Home handyman outside a full garage with a small box of junk says to female "It's a big chuck out - I had to be quite ruthless."

Swamp Kauri Guitar
Swamp Kauri Guitar

"I made this guitar out of swamp kauri" quoth the female lead guitarist of a garage band to her drummer while holding a gnarly shaped guitar.

The Lucky Middle Class
The Lucky Middle Class

Cartoon shows a typical well-fed New Zealand heterosexual couple giving the thumbs-up sign while standing beside travelling bags with the label 'You do know how lucky we are Trev - referring to satirical song by comedian Fred Dagg.

Renters vs Owners
Renters vs Owners

Cartoon shows a couple sitting at a table with coffees on top of a platform labelled 'Renters' while an older couple wave from their house sitting on a platform labelled 'Owners' rising rapidly into the sky - representing their relative wealth.

Bank of Mum & Dad
Bank of Mum & Dad

On the steps leading to a classical frontage of a bank labelled 'Bank of Mum & Dad' an older couple descend from a door marked 'Deposits' pass a young family ascending towards a door marked 'Withdrawals'.

Mother Of Justice
Mother Of Justice

The figure of justice updated to portray a female lawyer in the workplace.

Need a Younger Face
Need a Younger Face

"We need a fresh face on the board- Simpkins - get some botox injected" commands a chairman of the board consisting of aged white men and women to one surprised individual.

When To Raise A Family
When To Raise A Family

"Wouldn't it be wiser to raise a family at a more convenient time -say after you've retired?" asks an excutive of a woman at the table.

Law Books Sunbathers
Law Books Sunbathers

A man and woman lie on a beach with their faces shielded from the sun by books labelled 'Law Reports' and 'Law of Torts'.

Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice

"Your victim is keen to meet you" says a social worker to a young criminal - while behind a door an angry elderly woman waits holding a club above her head...criminal,justice,rehabilitation,offenders,reconciliation,victims,community,sentencing,

Penal Reform Bookcase
Penal Reform Bookcase

A tough looking man in prison clothing stares through a bookcase with books looking similar to the bars in a prison cell.