Licensing cartoons on information, cyber-security, privacy, environment, education & politics.

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Diversity In Management
Diversity In Management

"We need more diversity in management. Simpkins change your name to Diversity" commands the boss to another pale stale male mahagement drone.


Cartoon shows finance minister Grant Robertson calling out to New Zealanders climbing a cliff labelled 'Climate Change' 'Housing Affordability' 'Inequality' "Don't worry I've commissioned a new report"


Cartoon shows boomer politicians watching on as zoomers zoom past them on e-scooters carrying pennants labelled 'Sooner' 'Harder' 'Stronger' - refers to Labour leader Jacinda Ardern slogan 'Go early - go hard'.

Windows 1900 Colour
Windows 1900 Colour

Cartoon shows man selling old window frames in a demolition yard with a sign labelled 'Just in - Windows 1900'


Santa's elves pose for selfies.

Guard Dog & Computer Server
Guard Dog & Computer Server

A tough dog guards a computer server room.

Spider Server Concept
Spider Server Concept


Wild West Server Farms
Wild West Server Farms

Cartoon pencil shows a wild west ranch labelled 'Wild West Server Farm' - unregulated' cloud computing,export,overseas,information,privacy,.

Happy Diwali
Happy Diwali

Cartoon shows Diwali lights and symbols representing elements of computer security with the message "Happy Diwali - May the light win over thedarkness of cyber evil".

Leak Alert Pencil
Leak Alert Pencil


Dyke Boy Sketch
Dyke Boy Sketch


drone fail sketch
drone fail sketch

Cartoon of drone falling.

paperless Office
paperless Office

Cartoon sketch.

Algorithm Bias
Algorithm Bias

Cartoon shows one woman saying to another whose face is blurred out "What makes you think algorithms are discriminating against you?"

Soecial Offer
Soecial Offer

Cartoon shows a woman tempted by a present labelled 'Special Offer' inside a rope lasso trap.

Aladdin Disappointed
Aladdin Disappointed

"Too bad Aladdin They must have changed their password" says a friend after the phrase 'Open Sesame' failed to open Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves' cave door...

Satnav Tracks Your Location
Satnav Tracks Your Location

Cartoon shows female driver saying "Is that our new navigation system? and a passenger says "I never realized we would get our own satellite" while a satellite follows them.

Location Pin
Location Pin

Cartoon shows man starled by large red pin appearing next to him - "You must have a location app switched on" says a female friend.

Safety Tip: Protect Your Hearing
Safety Tip: Protect Your Hearing

Safety tip - always protect your hearing by wearing apprpriate gear - man bangs away wearing hearing protectors while waking neighbours from their sleep.

Care For Your Tools
Care For Your Tools

Heard one day on the street - old man says to builder washing his tools "Good on ya mate - you'll live forever".

Computer Oil Change
Computer Oil Change


Chainsaw Juggling
Chainsaw Juggling

Cartoon shows man juggling with chainsaws while another says "That's not very safe is it? A third man says "No he should be wearing gloves."

What thieves see.
What thieves see.

What thieves see - on building sites.

Builders Day Out
Builders Day Out

Cartoon shows men tossing power tools at a builder's day out -"This nail gun throw is good practice for rescuing your tools off a site" says one bloke.

Le Freak Out
Le Freak Out

.Cartoon shows man in office tearing hair out as his computer displays a notification 'Warning - virus infection detected' wile a co-worker aks "Wow that's a new look what do you call it?" - he answers "Le freak out"..Subtitle: Own your mailbox - don't open unexpected attachments'..cartoon,security,virus,office,

Data Mine
Data Mine

A gold miner exits his mine and notices a computer extracting mountains of data for profit...metadata,mining,data,profit,

Security Decision
Security Decision

Cartoon shows man answering office door to a padlock and a trash can who says "Hi - we're here to represent your next well-judged security decision".

Cleared Desk Policy
Cleared Desk Policy

Office worker to another with everything on floor: "That's not what we meant by clean desk policy."..Subtitle: 'Don't make a scene, apply a clear desk policy'

Own The Level Playing Field
Own The Level Playing Field

Own The Level Playing Field..Cartoon shows board of a nameless corporation with high sales chart saying - "Fortunately we now own the level playing field."

Tree Climber Problem Solved
Tree Climber Problem Solved

"Does your test measure lateral thinking?" asks a seal of a human examiner, after the elephant knocks down the tree to allow access to all animals.

Phish: Sloppy Grammar Guppie
Phish: Sloppy Grammar Guppie

'Sloppy Grammar Guppie - most scammer can be identified by their poor spelling and grammar'

Frankenstein Location
Frankenstein Location

"For gododness sake - turn your location app off!" pleads Dr Frankenstein of his monster as they are being persued by a mob of angry villagers.

Childcare Evader
Childcare Evader

Cartoon shows man leaving a busy family scene saying "send them out when they're old enough help in the workshop."



Fish Spy Boat
Fish Spy Boat


Breaking Bad beer
Breaking Bad beer


Beach Campground
Beach Campground


Urban Tank
Urban Tank


Fathers Day
Fathers Day


Springy House
Springy House


50 Sheds
50 Sheds


Ray Gun
Ray Gun


Building Blocks
Building Blocks


Natural Foundations
Natural Foundations


Rugby World Cup
Rugby World Cup


Rain Radar
Rain Radar


Fabled Tractor Graveyard
Fabled Tractor Graveyard


Poor Workman
Poor Workman
