Licensing cartoons on information, cyber-security, privacy, environment, education & politics.

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Register (Norwegian)
Register (Norwegian)

Cartoon depicts a line of people waiting to use public register including lawyers a violent man and a leering man in a great coat.

Humiliation of Workers  (Nowegian)
Humiliation of Workers (Nowegian)

"Den egentlige hensikten med urintestingen er vel å nedverdige våre ansatte?"

Backup  (Nowegian)
Backup (Nowegian)
File Routinely Destroyed (Norwegian)
File Routinely Destroyed (Norwegian)

"Oh dear - it seems your file has been routinely destroyed."

DNA Test
DNA Test

A woman replies to a man kneeling before her "The answer is yes - subject to the usual credit check and DNA profile."

DNA Test (Norwegian)
DNA Test (Norwegian)

"Svaret er ja - dersom jeg får kredittsjekke og dna-test deg først."


"Email ecommerce ebanking ebooks egovernment e-eeeek!" cries a man experiencing an e-overload.

Technophobe (Norwegian)
Technophobe (Norwegian)

"E-post e-handel ebank ebooks e-bøker e-ID e-nörge e-eeeek!" cries a man experiencing an e-overload..."

Impact Assessment (French)
Impact Assessment (French)

Medieval soldiers charge with battering ram. One soldier cautions: "Attendez! Est-ce que quelqu'un a fait évaluation des factueurs relatifs à la vie privée."

Forum Sign
Forum Sign

Man comments to people putting up a sign labelled 'Privacy Forum' "Gosh - are you allowed to do that?"

Peeping into Privacy Forum (Swedish)
Peeping into Privacy Forum (Swedish)

Man peeps through keyhole of door outside of which also stands a sign labelled 'Integritets Konferens'

Peeping into Privacy Forum
Peeping into Privacy Forum

Man peeps through keyhole of door outside of which also stands a sign labelled 'Privacy Forum'.

Suggestion Box With Eyes
Suggestion Box With Eyes

Man passes a suggestion box which contains two eyes watching him.

Cubicle Security
Cubicle Security

Man fortifies his office cubicle with a secuirty door.

Barman Takes Notes
Barman Takes Notes

"That's good material - mind if I take a few notes?" asks a barman of his depressed customer.

Move Along CCTV
Move Along CCTV

Policeman orders CCTV "Nothing to see here - move along."

Hansel & Gretel Digital Trail
Hansel & Gretel Digital Trail

Hansel and Gretel leave a digital trail through the forest.

Messy System
Messy System

"Who needs a privacy policy - I can't find anyone's details in this mess."

Morbid Curiosity
Morbid Curiosity

Man pushes through a crowd around a body saying "Let me through - I have a morbid curiosity."

Watching The Watchers
Watching The Watchers

Man watching CCTV screens notices he also is being monitored by another CCTV camera.

Possession of Information
Possession of Information

A man in an office confides to another worker "I find the possession of other peoples personal Information immensely satisfying."

Information Window
Information Window

The lady in the information window says to a man "We don't give it out only collect it."

Just Looking Thanks
Just Looking Thanks

Man leaning in a window of a house says to a woman seated inside -"Just looking thanks."

BoingBoing Screenshot
BoingBoing Screenshot
Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow
Laws Cost To Business
Laws Cost To Business

"Basically we feel every law is a cost to business" says one man representing a wealthy minority.

File Routinely Destroyed
File Routinely Destroyed

"Oh dear - it seems your file has been routinely destroyed."

Loo Privacy
Loo Privacy

"We still don't understand the need for a privacy act -can you explain it again Commissioner" ask paparazzi pressing on the door of an outside toilet on a hill in the countryside.

Privacy Officer Keyhole
Privacy Officer Keyhole

A kneeling man rubs his sore eye outside an office door labelled 'Privacy Officer' as a finger protrudes from the keyhole.

Elephant In The Classroom
Elephant In The Classroom

"Please Miss - there's something in the way" notes an early school pupil among others in their classroom to the teacher while holding the tail of a large elephant labelled 'Poverty'.

Un-level Playing Field
Un-level Playing Field

'The Un-level Playing Field' shows 3 students competing to climb measuring poles but some start from positions higher or lower while parents observe that the privilged school 'B' gets the best results.

Unfair Athletics Test
Unfair Athletics Test

'If school athletics were run like a narrow national stanards test' - athletics day competitors prepare to jump but they have been issued with poles of varying lengths.

Charter School Protest
Charter School Protest

Military school pupils carry sigssaying 'Save charter schools from state controlled uniformity' and 'But not stae funding'.

Classical Beauty Tips
Classical Beauty Tips

"Eat lots of olive-skinned men" advises one beautiful snake-haired gorgon woman to another. Subtitle: 'Classical Beauty Tips'

Buy a mug at:

Fly My Pretties -Ooops!
Fly My Pretties -Ooops!

Man in an office releases a flock of emails from his outbox - saying "Fly home my pretties - oops- as one flies out the wrong window- subtitle: 'Check every email gets to the right home.'

Zeppelin Reputation
Zeppelin Reputation

A zeppelin marked 'Company Reputation' is going down in flames while a man fleeing the scene says "But I only made one little inflammatory remark." Caption - Careful what information you share on social media.'

Geology Book Shelves
Geology Book Shelves

A student stands observing book shelves with stacked with books angled and broken mimicking the geological stratigraphy found in nature.

Buy mugs, t-shirts at Geology Shelf Coffee Mug

Gated Community Landscape
Gated Community Landscape

A secure gated commuity sits behind tall walls in an oasis while wild and strange fearful characters roam outside in a apocalyptic landscape.

Illustration depicts Santa Claus relaxing in a stripy chair under a pohutukawa tree overlooking a sunny beach. The tree is decor
Santa Under The Trees

Illustration depicts Santa Claus relaxing in a stripy chair under a pohutukawa tree overlooking a sunny beach. The tree is decorated with Christmas baubles and native birds.

Family Photo
Family Photo

Spot the difference illustration.

Illustration & caricature of businessman, Sir William Walkley, founder of Ampol Petroleum Ltd
Sir William Walkley

Illustration & caricature of businessman, Sir William Walkley, founder of Ampol Petroleum Ltd

New Zealand Terrarium
New Zealand Terrarium

New Zealand,Terrarium,

Xi Jinping - Dragon Rider
Xi Jinping - Dragon Rider

Caricature of China's leader, Xi Jinping.

Sex in the Office
Sex in the Office

Various instances of sexual propositioning in the workplace in cartoon form.

Independent Publishers & the Big Tiger
Independent Publishers & the Big Tiger

Independents’ day - How hard is it to set up your own book publishing business? Not impossible – and those doing it may just keep literary culture alive - illustraion for a story by Mark Broatch 26th February 2015..Image refers to book 'Life of Pi'

Security before courtesy
Security before courtesy

Man ushers a beautiful woman through security door not noticing two suspicious characters who have gained illegal entry.

Subtitle: 'Security Before Courtesy.'

Ordinateur Portable Taxi (French)
Ordinateur Portable Taxi (French)

“Hé! Votre Ordinateur portable. J’le garde comme pourboire ou je l’vends au plus offrant? demande un chauffeur de taxi d'un passager qui a oublié son ordinateur portable...‘

‘Faites attention à vos téléphones et ordinateurs (portables)’

Looks Phishy
Looks Phishy

"Looks phishy to me' says a small fish looking at angler fish dangling a bright message marked 'Urgent Security mail - click here.". Subtitle: 'Own your mailbox - don't take the bait."

Untidy Desk Solution
Untidy Desk Solution

"We've solved the untidy desk problem" says an office worker about a man sitting inside a dumpster.

Missing On Social Media
Missing On Social Media

"I haven't seen you much on social media recently" notes a woman typing on a laptop to her male partner/husband reading on a tablet.