Denialist Dodo
Title - 'Critically Endangered Species: The Denialist Bird - Help save this rare bird - forgive generously' - an elderely armchair warrior squawks and snorts in reaction to the headline on his computer screen - IPCC - global warming worse to come as his environment heats up.
Author: Chris Slane
All Rights Reserved
Cartoon size: 3.8 Mpixels (10.9 MB uncompressed) - 2362x1616 pixels (7.9x5.4 in / 20x13.7 cm at 300 ppi)
Cartoon keywords: AGW, Cartoon, change, climate, denailist, dodo, economy, endangered, environment, global, illustration, IPCC, poverty, species, taxes, troll, warming
Published in: Environment, Political Cartoons 2015