Licensing cartoons on information, cyber-security, privacy, environment, education & politics.

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Santa The Original Pen Tester Video
Santa The Original Pen Tester Video

Cartoon depicts Santa entering a home holding a USB thumb drive thinks - "I'm in - now to plug into the router eat a cookie and drink the milk to prove I was inside" caption 'Santa The Original Pen Tester' a pile of gifts are labelled 'Security Patch' 'Anti-Virus' 'Software Update' 'Unique Password' 'Backup Drive' 'Encrypted Message App'

Santa The Original Pen Tester
Santa The Original Pen Tester

Cartoon depicts Santa entering a home holding a USB thumb drive & thinking - "I'm in - now to plug into the router eat a cookie and drink the milk to prove I was inside" caption 'Santa The Original Pen Tester' a pile of gifts are labelled 'Security Patch' 'Anti-Virus' 'Software Update' 'Unique Password' 'Backup Drive' 'Encrypted Message App'

Fending Off the Sharks
Fending Off the Sharks

Cartoon depicts the crew of an open boat desperately trying to fend off sharks labelled as various forms of cyber attack - the CEO asks "We have good backup right?"

Home Improvement Guru
Home Improvement Guru

Cartoon depicts climber and a wise man squatting outside a cave "I'm more a home improvement guru"

Meet The Scammers concept drawing
Meet The Scammers concept drawing

Cartoon depicts four faces of vishing scammers with speech indicating common traps for the public - fake IT scam - fake Amazon scam-fake offficial scam - fake telemarketer scam - concept drawing is a play on Meet The Fockers movie

Geotags for Hackers Concept
Geotags for Hackers Concept

Cartoon depicts concept sketch of a social media user including a location tag and a social engineer taking advantage of this information to steal his identity.

Mission Accomplished
Mission Accomplished

slane illustration shows statue of GW Bush pushed over on it's side in the manner of Saddam Husein statue..Originally published NZListener May 31-June 6 2008

Castle Password
Castle Password

A guard defending a castle wall cries "Oh no they're trying to guess our password" besigers attempt to open the castle doors via keypad entry - Subtitle reads security is only as good as your password.

Free USB Drive Hacker
Free USB Drive Hacker

Cartoon depicts an office worker who sees a device on the ground outside a building and thinks "Cool- a free USB drive" and a hacker in a hoody lurks nearby thinking "Cool - free access to his PC - his company - network - banking"

Snake Pond April Fools Day
Snake Pond April Fools Day

Birds are attracted to a website/bath which is really a snake in disguise.

Airport Scam Social Engineer
Airport Scam Social Engineer

"Hi - I need your help quick I am at the airport and my phone's battery is just about flato go flat..."claims a scammer to a woman working at her desk. Caption reads 'It's ok to hang up on social engineers.'

The ABCs Of InfoSec
The ABCs Of InfoSec

Cartoon shows an alphabet of A-Z items related to cyber security.

Wise Whistleblower Monkey
Wise Whistleblower Monkey

'Hear no evil' 'See no evil' 'Whistleblower' - 3 wise monkeys. 'If you find something - say something'

Deep-fake Signs
Deep-fake Signs

Cartoon shows an office with a man talking on a screen saying "Hello it's your boss calling Send me $240; 000" while a hacker hiding behind the screen pickpockets a wallet. 'Signs of a deepfake' Slogan - 'Dig Deeper - educate yourself on how to spot deep-fakes'

Geotag Hacker
Geotag Hacker

Cartoon depicts a woman reclining on a tropical beach uploading a selfie photo of herself saying "Loving this holiday location #vaycay" The next frame shows a burglar breaking into her home holding a phone with her photo on the screen saying "Thanks for your geotag #truecrime" Share Good memories with friends not locations with stalkers: Turn Off your geotagging.,stalkers

Rock Tumbler
Rock Tumbler

Cartoon depicts two men in a workshop watching a bench top machine rotating a barrel "It polishes rock but also stone-washers all my jeans"

Pharaoh's Weak Password
Pharaoh's Weak Password

Cartoon depicts the exterior tomb of a pharaoh ruler in ancient Egypt with cartoon hieroglyphics translated to 'Security' while two archaeologists look on at the broken extrance to the tomb door "they should have used longer curses combining letters numerals upper-case and non-alphanumeric characters" Caption - 'Passwords are like toothbrushes - best when new.'

Cyber Attack - International Version
Cyber Attack - International Version

Cartoon depicts an office building under assault from bombs and missiles labelled with various forms of cyber attack - malware phish ransomware scam virus deep fakes -an exec says "It's a massive cyber attack but don't worry we have backup - pencils and carrier pigeons"

Ranpunzel's Overshare
Ranpunzel's Overshare

Cartoon depicts Rapunzel in her tower surrounded by lecherous peasants reading her Twitter scroll 'Rapunzel decided it wasn't such a good idea to tell everyone she was really letting her hair down that night' - 'The perils Of A Medieval Twitterer'

Remembered All My First Passwords
Remembered All My First Passwords

Cartoon shows an elderly man on a porch with a cup of tea saying to a woman "Suddenly I can remeber all my first passwords".

NSA & The Iphone
NSA & The Iphone

Cartoon shows an office in the NSA HQ where one man says to the other 'We have installed a bugging device for every leader in the world' The other man replies "Excellent what is it?" to which he responds "The iphone'".

Moa Bird about to fall.
Moa Bird about to fall.

Depicts Moa Bird about to fall into a cave.

Moa Falling
Moa Falling

Depicts a Moa bird falling down a cave at Waitomo.

Bones of a Moa bird.
Bones of a Moa bird.

Depicts bones of extinct giant Moa bird lying in Waitomo caves.

Inappropriate Content
Inappropriate Content

Cartoon depicts an armed response team reacting to a computer displaying an alarm icon as a man pushing a button shouts "Inappropriate content" caption - 'Misuse of computers in the workplace is a significant cyber security risk'.

Missing Pieces About You
Missing Pieces About You

Cartoon depicts a woman behind a desk filling in a form on a computer screen talking to another woman who has peices of her head missing pieces of a jigsaw "We can give you much better service if you fill in a few missing peices about yourself" caption - 'Cookies are created to identify you when you visit a new website.'

Cookies Do All The Work
Cookies Do All The Work

Cartoon depicts woman relaxing while cookies biscuits dance on her compter keyboard and click her mouse for her as she says to a man "I find it much easier allowing cookies to fill out online forms for me"

Home-baked Cookies
Home-baked Cookies

Cartoon depicts children selling home-baked cookies and lemonade with an adult about to bite a cookie - boy says "Your information won't be shared but would you like to receive offers from our partners?" as a girl waits expectantly.

Elevator Clown
Elevator Clown

Cartoon depicts people in an elevator one saying "Careful some people have big ears round here" while a clown stands next to them.

Avoid the Aftertought
Avoid the Aftertought

Cartoon shows a man departing the office and thinking "Did I leave too much information on that customers's answering machine?" "Did I double check recipients of that confidential email?" "Did that person have authority for information on that customer;s account?" Frame 2 - 'At Home' lying wide awake in bed thinking - "Did I encript that file before I sent it?" "Did I classify that document correctly?""Should I set up an email delay rule?" "Should I tell someone about the mistake I made?" Subtitle - Avoid the afterthought - think before sending out information"

CCTV Blooper Tapes
CCTV Blooper Tapes

Cartoon depicts two policemen looking at a CCTV cameras saying "They don't prevent crime but the videos make great blooper reels"

Lower Privacy Threshold
Lower Privacy Threshold

Cartoon depicts a lecturer who is dreesed only in his underwaer saying to a mixed audience "Now I wonder who among us might have a lower privacy threshold than others?"

GPS Pins
GPS Pins

Cartoon depcts a man talking to a womanwhile giant location pin and flag symbols hover over his head "Don't worry - it's just my mother tracking me with GPS"

Digital Footprints
Digital Footprints

Cartoon depicts a detective with a large magnifying glass tacking the large footprints packed with social media posts and logos behinf a young man who notices and says "!"

Survey On Privacy
Survey On Privacy

Cartoon depicts a woman looking through the peep hole to see who is outside her door while a man pushes his head into the cat door saying "Hello I'm conducting a survey privacy"

Need To Know Principle (French)
Need To Know Principle (French)

Cartoon depicts a man oversharing to a woman taking down notes for a market survey - "My mother's maiden name blah blah - where I was born - so poor - blah blah - income last year was - blah blah".Subtitle - ENTRE NOUS, QUI A VRAIMENT BESOIN DE SAVOIR TOUT ÇA ? - 'BETWEEN US, WHO REALLY NEEDS TO KNOW ALL OF THIS?'

Need To Know Principle
Need To Know Principle

Cartoon depicts a man oversharing to a woman taking down notes for a market survey - "My mother's maiden name blah blah - where I was born - so poor - blah blah - income last year was - blah blah".Subtitle - Operate On A 'Do They Really Need To Know?' Principle

Blabbbing Job Interview
Blabbbing Job Interview

Cartoon depicts a job interview with a grumpy panel memeber saying "We were going to employ you but then we discovered your main hobby was blabbing all over the internet" Subtitle - Careful what you share on the internet'

Hacker Central
Hacker Central

Cartoon depicts a series of buildings including a large fortress labelled 'Secure IT Environment Firewall' while a man sleeps at home in front of his PC and next door a hacker intercepting his digital communications to his office says "Bingo!"

Privacy Landslide ( with Ethics)
Privacy Landslide ( with Ethics)

"Do we really need this? asks a man pulling out a rock labelled 'privacy' and precipitating a rock fall of large boulders...landslide,privacy,rock,privacy,rockfall,.."Do we really need this? asks a man pulling out a rock labelled 'privacy' and precipitating a rock fall of large boulders labelled ‘brand’ ’trust’ ‘reputation’ 'profits' 'ethics'

Deepfake Boss
Deepfake Boss

Cartoon shows a lazy worker saying "A deepfake boss would tell me to get off Tiktok so I won't know about deepfakes" caption: Educate yourself and others on how to spot a deepfake'


Cartoon shows Tom Cruise lookalike deepfake on a computer screen saying "Hi I'm Tom Cruise calling I want you to be in my next movie - Just send your bank details" while an female office worker says "Me - unbelieveable!" Caption: 'Don't make a deepfake mistake - trust but verify"

deepfake Fish
deepfake Fish


Sure To Rise
Sure To Rise

Cartoon shows a workshop where a father looks at his son and daughter working on a parallel work bench held up by jacks - caption reads 'Sure To Rise'

Valentines Day Gift Scam
Valentines Day Gift Scam

Cartoon shows a woman sitting in an office pleased to receive a fake prize email ‘Congratulations you have won a valentines Daygift card for 7 days free’ titled ‘Love is blind but you are not -beware of enticements'

Colditz Glider
Colditz Glider

Cartoon shows a scene in Colditz Castle attic 1945 with a glider built by a geeky-looking soldier who says "Escape? I hadn't thought of that?"

Bonneville Speed Record
Bonneville Speed Record

Cartoon shows 'Bonneville Speed Record' a race between Team Kiwi and Wile E Coyote.